Hiya girls!
I'm looking for a story that I read some time ago that I just loved and cant seem to find it.
I dont recall the name of the title...thought you all could help me. I may have read it before Fictionmania crashed...
It was about two brothers. The oldest was caught masterbating and ended up in some program,
thanks to mom, that changed him into a young woman and married to some jock from high school. Well, the two come for a visit w the family..Christmas or something..
During the story, the younger brother becomes curious of his 'sisters'bra and pany she purposely left on thehamper in the bathroom. Little bro keeps putting these on and watching his sister getting screwed by her man in an adjoining bathroom. He keeps this up and despite warnings of his sister, he gets caught by mom. And he ends up like big sister.
Does anyone know of this 3 part series??
I remember reading it
A long time ago, but don't recall the name of it...let me know if you find it please. I don't believe it was a BC story..most likely FM or another site.
I think I know this one...
This sounds like one of Janice337's "Sissy Bride" stories, specifically "The Sissy Bride: Caught Peeking". I *think* it's stored somewhere in Fictionmania's hard disk, but it may be available elsewhere too. Let me see...
...yes, it can be found here:
The first story, "What to Expect in your Wedding Night" can also be found here:
Some other stories in this universe, by different authors, can be found by Googling for "Janice337 sissy bride"
I absolutely love these stories! They seem to push every button in me! Thanks for the help!
dead ends
Those links provided in the previous post seem to be dead ends
I have the text copy of this story and others on my hard drive if you want it please let me know
"Life is pain, Princess ~ anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something."