Add Content

How to add Stories, Links, Blogs and other content to BigCloset TopShelf

Choose one of the following content types:

Blog - Keep a blog (web diary) of your thoughts and experiences. Just type it right in. You can use HTML to format, add links and even pictures if they are already on the web somewhere.

Fiction - With a Teaser for the front page, in the Body of the story; the Teaser ends at the <!--break--> tag. If you don't use the tag, the software will attempt to create a teaser for you. Paste plain text into the fields or use as much HTML as you want (mostly). Not recommended for pasting from MSWord or most other word processors unless the file has been saved as plain text and reopened. Text processors like notepad, textpad and textedit are good for preparing plain text.

Wysiwyg - Like above Fiction above but with a built-in Wysiwyg editor. Recommended for posting directly from MSWord prepared web pages but not highly.
You need permission from admin to access Wysiwyg because pasting badly formatted HTML into the window can bring down the site or mess it up so no one can read it.

Title Page - Those with author or editor accounts can use this choice to create a title page for a series or serialized story. Title pages help organize multi-part stories but if you don't create one for your series/serial, one of the editors is likely to do so. Linking parts of a series or serial to the title page is done by editors, anyway.

Weblink - Create a link to your favorite TG website so others can enjoy also. The Title of a Weblink should be the title of the website. Some HTML allowed.

Forum Topic - Logged in members can create Topics for the Forum. A topic then becomes the root post for a series of comments in a thread. HTML is allowed.

Poll - Members can create polls with questions and a list of possible answers to choose. Some HTML allowed. Polls may appear on the front page or only be accessed from the |Polls| tab in the top menu.

Story - New comments are turned off by default. Otherwise the same as Fiction. Most of the stories entered before April 19, 2005 were in this format. If you want to convert such a story to Fiction or Wysiwyg, ask the site admin in a private message. Same if you want new comments turned on.