Italy to open prison for transgender inmates.

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A story from the Beeb, which does like it says on the tin.



"does like it says on the tin"

What tin?

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


Angharad's picture

I should have said, 'can'.


PS, Sis, the title sort of says it all, I was being facetious.


Cart before the horse here?

PattieBFine's picture

It seems like they are going about it backwards...

If their TG populationg wasn't so discriminated against, allowed to have jobs/with insurance... that allowed them to fix their body issues... such crimes as a means of affording treatments out of pocket, wouldn't require that they need the new segregated prison! The US has quite the same problem... it's gotten better as far as jobs for TG people. But, as yet... only about 2% of insurance carriers will cover such treatments. So, if your not Miss money-bags, you have to wait and enter the workforce, slave and save under often traumatic conditions, to become who you are. While any other birth defect known!... is corrected and covered by all carriers as soon as is medicaly possible! We still have a long fight to have equal rights. The BSC is just so much BS. and stinks of cover-thy-ass, more than having consideration for the quality of life of the child/person involved. The sooner a transition is diagnosed and treatment started, the more "Normal" the person would be developmentaly. We are just a sub-class who thoses who make the rules, wish would go away!

So, I guess if it takes such things as this to acnolage that such people with specific needs exist, and due to not fixing the problem, will now start to cost tax dollars to adress the results? Piss poor way to go about it, but if it works?... I feel bad for thouse poor souls who will reside in it that couldn't manage a better way. Most TG folks are some of the brightest, and most hard-working people I've ever met. They have the hardest roads to travel, just to become a whole person.

Just my quirky way of looking at this news...