Hello, I guess

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While I have been around for a while in one guise or another, I thought I might actually get active.

Those who read authors' credits and pay attention to such things might recognize me as one of the volunteer proof readers for some of the authors who post here.

I wish I had the talent to actually write, but while I have the technical skills, I seem to lack the plotting ability needed to make a story interesting. I can recognize it when others write, but... *sighs*

At least all that time in college didn't go completely to waste.

Any authors wishing assistance are welcome to write me. I can't promise that I will be up to the task of working with everyone who asks, but I'll be willing to take an honest look at their work.

As time goes on, I will post other things as I think of them. Questions are welcome, but I reserve the right not to answer. ;-) A girl has to have some secrets, after all.

Oh, my handle, Tracy Hide? That comes from a song that was used in the Japanese anime series Crest of the Stars. The lyrics mean a lot to me.

You can find the lyrics Here.



Like, hi there

Did't notice the blog until now.

Welcome to BC, for the most part the people here are friendly and reasonably well groomed. Except for the guy in Michigan, Itinnyrunt, or something like that -- right vicious he is. But that's it, well there is this Whateley FanFicer in Wisconsin, Wauwatosa(?) -- be afraid.

Great you could make the chat Sunday. I hope Erin and Bob can do this every so often.

Oh folks, Tracy is a competent editor -- she's done several of my recent 'Timeouts' here and hasn't gone catatonic or postal. If you like EE Naily's work, she's edited for him too. WOW! I feel so privaleged by association.

She's an ex-midwesterner suffering down in the desert southwest so email her some snow and cold to make her feel better.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa