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by Michelle Wilder
One point of view



"Sidney, I want you to lift your arm. Good, now hold it there... relax... good, good. Yes, it floats. I know, it's amazing."

"If you agree, if you want to answer yes, please lift your finger. Do it now, if you understand. Good."

"Are you relaxed? Good."

"Is the chair comfortable? Good."

"Do you feel safe? Good."

"Are you relaxed? Good... I want you to sink into that safe, comfortable chair.... Good..."

"You can speak, but will remain asleep, relaxed and aware. Do not open your eyes... good."

"Think back, remember... what was the color of the chair in my waiting room? Good. What color are my eyes? Hazel? That's not an answer! Sort-of blue."

"I want you to relax further... your arms are heavy, your head is heavy, so heavy...."

"Speak now, you can still speak, and not wake up...."

"Remember.... In your first class, grade one.... What was the name of your teacher? Sister Mary Angela? Good. I want you to relax, further... every muscle is tired, heavy...."

"Can you hear me?"

"I want you to think back, to things you remember, to real things, to things that were real."

"What color is your house? Good. What is your favorite toy? A rabbit? What is his... her? Alright, what is her name? Pinky. That's nice."

"Relax. Relax.... You're safe. Very safe...."

"How old are you now? Four? You don't know? Are you five yet? No?"

"Think. Relax and feel no fear or anxiety, and think about this. I want no answer, and I want you to be honest, as honest as you can be. Understand?"

"Are you a boy or a girl?"

"Thank you."

"You can move now."

"Here are some tissues, can you take them? Good."


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amyzing's picture

Terse and lovely.



Short, sweet, to the point, yet the gender of Sidney is in doubt as sidney can be a boy or a girl name.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine