I was just wondering if anybody on this site ever leaves any comments or feed back on here. I would like to hear from someone on thier thoughts of anything that I have posted and what they might have to add, good or bad. I'm a big gurl and can take it either way. How else am I to know if my stuff is any good or not. thanks Domino
I'll look over your material
BigCloset TopShelf
I hope you enjoy it very
I hope you enjoy it very much and would like to say either way thank you for your time and comments, domino
Being a long-time visitor
I can assure you - feedback is abound around here... Ask and ye shall receive - if not from me ;)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
P.S. Told ya!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
Your Writing Is Okay; It's Just BC-itus
This site is a little funny in that its readers love to read forced fem, as is silently avered by the number of hits your stories have received, but doesn't like to say so publicly. Your misfortune is writing in the sub-genre that is BC's dirty little secret. My forced fem stories draw big numbers compared to others I've written.
People here love to berate Vickie Tern, but her stories are very popular.
Your stories could use a little editing. One thing you might want to do is to consider starting your story with the first sentence. The first part of your story is "wheel-spinning". You hit the reader with huge amount of exposition and they might lose interest before your story actually starts. The first sentence should grab the reader so they can't wait to find out what will happen next.
If I were writing your story I would start with "I can't believe you and how come you aren't at school. . . ." You could bring in the exposition you need in small amounts as the story goes on.
SMILE! Any story that gets nearly 3,000 hits in a few days like yours has is a GIANT success. I have stories that have been on this site for years that have been acclaimed as excellent . . . that haven't had 1,000 hits.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I think what it comes down to is the people who regularly comment on stories don't like Forced Fem. The average reader, that makes up most reads across this site, doesn't comment at all, for whatever silly reason they can use to justify it. So anyone writing in that genre is likely to receive very few comments.
This is essentially what Angela Rasch said with a very small difference. It sounded like those who read "forced fem" feel they need to hide it or those who berate "forced fem" authors, in reality, like to read that sort of fiction. Personally, I don't enjoy "forced fem" but because that is such a broad category I need to specify that I don't enjoy "hard-core" forced fem, which pertains to fiction dealing with: Bondage, Sex, Nudity, and / or harmful (or even sexually gratifying) humiliation. If I read a story, even a "forced fem" one (for whatever reason), I try to comment stating why I either liked or disliked the material. However, any story labaled as "forced fem" or explicit content there is a high percentage chance (probably up to 99%) that I will not even click the story. Unless, and this still makes it quite unlikely, it's been a slow week on BC and there's nothing else to read.
I hope you don't stop writing due to a lack of comments, even material I don't find enjoyable should still be available for those who do, that's the whole point of this site (as far as I know). I hope this blog post will get you the comments you desire. Good luck! :D
Thank you for responding and
Thank you for responding and I will keep you in mind in the future when I write my future stories, domino
Thank you so much for the
Thank you so much for the imput and you have made my day with your response. You have a great day and thank you once again for your time, domino
Thank you for the time and
Thank you for the time and response to my post. I love the input that you have given me and I will try and do as told the next time, domino
Becoming a girl series
Just finished it and I enjoyed it even though it was not a normal read for me! The mother figure is not something i read alot of but it was good, well more like great! Loved the forced, discipline, and humiliation aspects of it!