but I feel it's leading me to yet another bout of non-communicative time. The last time this happened it took a year or so for me to get back "in the groove." Maybe part of it is post SCC letdown, maybe part of it is there are so many bad things happening to so many of us and I know there isn't a damn thing I can do to help. I know I do feel very helpless and dejected about that. I know, I KNOW! I shouldn't...but that knowledge doesn't translate to feeling any better about it.
Part of it IS the loss of a relationship that I really, really wanted to go right. That's no one's fault...it just wasn't meant to be.
Please understand. I'm not depressed or anything like it. It seems that, in my life, these times catch up with me when I least expect them to, and it takes me a time of self-examination, a kicking of my own ass, if you will, to get past them. I'll be around, but I'll likely not be writing, commenting, or even using skype or IM's. I just need time to myself to work some things out. I might be back in a few days...it might take longer than that...maybe a lot longer.
I know that this will concern some of you, but please don't worry. I'll be around...just not communicating. Please allow me the time to get my shit back together, okay?
Hugs and love to all of you, and thank you for your friendship and understanding.
Catherine Linda Michel
We love you
You are precious. Take your time; rebuild your strength.
When you are ready, we will greet you with a hug and be glad that you are with us.
I know the feeling about
I know the feeling about needing time alone/incommunicative to try to recharge; unfortunately, being self-employed, I can't take that time (I'm going to try to take it by next summer).
What I would suggest, if you don't mind, is keep at least _one_ person informed, especially if it takes more than a few days - someone like Erin, for example. Basically, so that if someone says "Where is she? We haven't heard from her for a while!" - someone can say 'she's still working things out, but she's alive'.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Be Well
Do what you have to do. Just be well. Okay?
- Terry
Isolating is not good for anyone
Isolation is never good for anyone at any time. it is okay to take a day off and reflect and just take care of yourself. However; long term isoation is not good for anyone. "I as in Illness We as in wellness"
Another factor you may want to consider is S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder). The fall and winter months are more dreary and people are affected by less sun.
I can't tell you what is wrong with you but I can tell you stay connected and interact with others, it'll be a lot healthier for you
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Best wishes to you.
Don't hesitate to reach out to those you consider your friends. I'm SURE they would be hurt if you tried to just "not bother" them. Keep in touch - even when you don't really want to. (Easier said than done, I know...)