This is a link to a segment aired in Australia last night. At last we are starting to change our attitudes. Why wasn't it like this when I was this age. I hope the link works.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
This is a link to a segment aired in Australia last night. At last we are starting to change our attitudes. Why wasn't it like this when I was this age. I hope the link works.
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Catholic Ethicist
The "ethicist" trotted out half-ways through this documentary is a paid mouthpiece for the Catholic church. Google Nick Tonti-Filippini and read all about him and his lies.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
This is almost as it should be!
I strongly advocate that transition start as early as they can be positively identified. "Hala's Snow Day" is about that very issue; having medical intervention early enough to make the body as female as can be. Perhaps I should have talked more about that, but I am sick to death of stories that focus on that only. It is my hope that one day, it will be posible to grow complete reproductive organs too.
The main problem is that compared with the 60's there are much less funds available for research in comparrison to what we spend on War.
From personal experience, I just want everyone to forget about how I used to be, and allow me to get on with life as a woman in the time I have left. I believe that Kim will come to that place too.
In reality, at least in the
In reality, at least in the US, regeneration treatments, as well as growing organs outside of the body, are being funded by the Military, as well as through normal channels.
It's the same reason that since the late 90's, prosthetics have become much better - more military losing limbs, thus needing better prosthetics.
They actually have bioreactors for organ growth. They're making progress on skin, and in at least one case, managed to grow half a ribcage out of cartilage for a boy who was born without it.
Part of what has stymied the research isn't the military, or anything similar. It's the fanatical religious minds in power, who have blocked stem cell research. You see, the way that I recall studying it, once we can build from embryonic stem cells, and understand the process, we can then work on turning adult stem cells into embryonic, at least in behaviour. After that, the process becomes cleaning up differentiated cells (ageing/waste products), and making them behave as stem cells. That first step has been massively blocked by those people who don't understand the difference between 'actual' and 'potential'.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
The Military factor
I hadn't thought of that. It only stands to reason doesn' it?
So, I suppose that if there were reliable ways to identify T folk by age 4 or 5, as I knew I was then, then I could have been castrated at the time, and through the use of appropriate drugs, had my endocrinology brought in line with that of a girl the same age. Most of us assume that boys and girls before puberty have the same blood chemistry, but I don't think that is so.
The one issue that really disappointed me is that Kim is taking pills and is not on a patch or injection. The Patch, if it can be tolerated is much easier on the liver and Kidneys.
My transition at age 59, in my opinion, was tragically too late! I don't know what sort of accomodation could have been made. I am relatively slight of build, but hair removal has been so unsatisfactory that I still have to shave my face every single day.
Many blessings
I have mixed feelings on that issue.
While I would have liked to have been "me" a long time ago, I also have no regrets about my wife and daughters. They are wonderful, and have been amazingly supportive of me.
So, transitioning early, with early medical intervention - yeah, it's good. It avoids possibly years of pain. But, at least in my case, having my family, kids that are related by blood to me, is wonderful.
I guess, like with much else, there's no "one size fits all" answer.
There is a vote point there too.
Q: Should children be allowed to undergo sex change operations?
Thank you for voting!
535 votes since Nov 4 2009
Yes 75%
No 25%

Pretty amazing,
these vote results, especially if they stay this way. Kind of counteracts my nausea after hearing Nick Tonti-Fullapipi trout out his asinine "expert opinions". He says "there is no evidence to suggest the sex-change process is beneficial for adults, much less children". Oh really? I'd say that if he'd just talk to the many satisfied customers of SRS surgeons he'd find there's a damn sight more evidence for this than there is for the benificialness of his "ram gender conformity down their throat" cure, the same old bogus solution that's been tried for centuries and only makes those of his ilk happy, sweeping that which makes them so uncomfortable under the rug; but since transgendered people are by his definition delusional, our input is meaningless. A convenient catch 22 ....... But yes, a nice little news segment. Good for Kim, and thank God for the growing number of enlightened parents who listen to kids like her and not to ignorant bigoted "experts" like Nick Fullapupu.
~Hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I vote for
Nick Tontini-Fellatio as Zombie of The Year, in succession to his boss, Adolf Rattswinger.
I was born with a number of birth anomalies
Which ones should I not have had fixed?
My eyes (catarracts)
My liver (portal vein thrombosis)which led to a blood disorder, oesophagal varices, low platelets, unpredictable, spontaneous bleeding
Hearing loss
Inability to be a parent
No doubt some bright spark, with 2.4 children and no health issues, would say that I should ideally have been 'put down' at birth, as I clearly wouldn't be acceptable to God.
I made it thus far and intend to have fun in the time left to me. I say "to hell with bigotry" and I'm glad for Kim Petras. OK, it would have been good to have treatment at that age, but I admire her courage and tenacity in the face of doubters.
She has some music vids out tooo
Just to confirm that the voting to Channel 7's Poll is
still running 75% to 25% ,that's at 0130 hours American
Eastern Time.
How things change---I live near Cairns in North Queensland
and a ladies Lawn Bowls Club recently welcomed a TG from
men's Club,saying "she is just one of the girls".The
following week the local weekend paper featured a TG girl
on the front of their magazine section with a full two page
centre spread inside.They also gave a great write up to
a centre in Cairns called "The Doll's House" which caters
for those in transition.They have on average 20 TG's
going through at any one time.I'm now 76 y.o. and I never
thought I would see this in my life time.Thank God for
bringing this about,but don,t tell the Catholic Church.