In response to Fleurie's and others' requests, the first publication of Danny Fairchild Publications will be coming out this Saturday evening (hopefully).
Entitled "Everything You Wanted To Know About Posting In Topshelf And Were NOT Afraid To Ask, But Didn't Anyway," it is a little Adobe Acrobat PDF file that is all about how to spruce up your postings in Topshelf.
It will cover:
* How to make text appear in BOLD
* How to make text appear italicized
* How to make text appear both bold and italicized
* How to align text to the left, to the right, to the center, etc.
* How to change Fonts, colors, etc.
* How to put pictures in your posts!
Be warned, however, that this is not a definitive reference but is just a reference to get you started in the right direction.
Be further warned that this is probably full of inconsistencies and errors, and was just a compilation of the little information that a pushy little newbie-writer named Bobbie Cabot gleaned from puzzling out HTML code because Bobbie was desperate to get stories posted in Topshelf.
For those wanting copies, please PM me an email address to which I can send it to (except Fleurie, of course, as she gets the first "copy").
- Bobbie
p.s. for those wanting all the T's crossed and all the I's dotted, there really is no Danny Fairchild Publications, but just a little joke, mine own. And it's not really a book, but just some how-to pages. 'Kay?

Sounds good to me
This English old fart needs all the help she can get.
no problemo
Sure, Susie. If you want a copy, just PM me an email address I can send the PDF file to.
And will it have bits about dark backgrounds and ...., and ....? And could you include the translation of any Latin spells involved? And will it work on days other than Hallowe'en? Sundays even?
At a rough guess...
Possibly, maybe, perhaps, no, yes, definitely.
(With apologies to Dr. Bender / Sara Waite)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
RE: Goody!
Double, double toil and trouble...
Maybe, in this case -
kibble, kibble - bits and kibble...
- Bobbie, with apologies to Shakespeare
Seems my message didn't post... Must've made a mistake and pressed the wrong button.
Anyway, because of circumstances beyond my control (i.e. real life intruded), the delivery of the "book" is going to be delayed. But, if all things go well, it should be out later today (maybe tonight), or at the latest, tomorrow morning. Those who have "pre-ordered," you will get your PDF books by email - it'll just be a little delayed.
My apologies