Steam Train Femininity

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Ask any young child what sound a train makes and the answer will be some variation of "Chug-chug-choo-choo". But think about that sound - it's the sound of a steam locomotive. I'm about to turn 60 and steam locomotives were retired before I became a teenager, yet that archetype still pervades society.

Being currently unemployed I have had a lot of time to read the stories on this site lately. I just finished one that featured a very detailed and well written account of a guy who learns to be a woman. Naturally there were a great deal of emphasis on makeup, cleavage, the proper way to walk, fashion models, fashion magazines and suchlike. It was interesting, but struck me as about as connected to modern femininity as "Chug-chug-choo-choo" is to modern railroading.

Granted I'm an unrepentant hippie and my life revolves around the folk music scene so that puts me well outside the so-called mainstream and have to admit that my only connection to pop culture is the satire in Mad Magazine, but even watching women on the streets I fail to detect the culture of femininity reflected in most TG stories. My wife and the women in my circle of friends do not use makeup on a regular basis and don't walk around in high heels except on very special occasions. I haven't seen a mini skirt on anyone I know well in decades and I've NEVER seen a copy of Cosmo or its ilk on a coffee table in a friend's home. They don't follow fashion, go for makeovers or wear corsets. Some of them still don't even wear bras!

So why is it we, as crossdressers, seem to be stuck with this highly artificial and certainly dated idea of what constitutes femininity? Perhaps it's the very artificiality of the whole scene that makes it so attractive - it's so far removed from the real world we live in as men. Let's face it, if you were to dispassionately compare the everyday casual clothing I normally wear to most of my women friends the two main differences would be that the women can openly wear a bra and dangly earrings. Otherwise we are both wearing sneakers, socks, jeans, panties and some sort of t-shirt or blouse. If the weather is cool enough to hide it I'll be wearing a bra, too. Not much story potential there, so that may be why we need to exaggerate the difference in our stories.

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