Alannah Goodspeed and the Peril of Pixie Parenthood (Title Page & Cast)

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Alannah Goodspeed and the Peril of Pixie Parenthood
by Jemima (Tychonaut)


Alan Goodspeed is an ordinary teenage boy with all the hopes and dreams of any other teenage boy. Except for when he was a teenage girl. And then there was the whole pixie parenthood thing. That's fairly normal... right?



1 Pell (1 is a Pell number)

2 Savitskaya (2nd woman in space) aka 'Sky'

3 Sunflower (3rd wedding anniversary flower gift)

4 Zia (4 was a sacred number to the Zia people of New Mexico)

5 Pandora (5th moon of Saturn)

6 Snowflake (A non-aggregated snowflake often exhibits six-fold radial symmetry)

7 Rainbow (Newton's 7 colours of the Rainbow)

8 Callisto (8th moon of Jupiter) aka 'Cally'

9 Cloud (as in 'Cloud Nine')

10 Canada (there are ten provinces and three territories in Canada)

11 Ocean (as in the film Ocean's 11)

12 Lysithea (12th moon of Jupiter)

13 Lunar (13 month lunar calendar)

14 Sonnet (14 lines in a sonnet)


House Goodspeed

Jeffrey Goodspeed - Direct descendant of Captain Sir Alan Godespeed and Chairman of the Council of House Goodspeed

Angelika Goodspeed (nee Grimm) - German, married Jeffrey Goodspeed and has lived in England since.

Alan Goodspeed aka Alannah Goodspeed - Alan also has a sister and brother


Seditious Court

Breakaway court formed in opposition to the Golden Court. In the 5th Century AD at St Mary Buckland, Somerset the Seditious Court defeated the Golden Court in battle and drove them from our realm. Through a series of wards they keep the Golden Court from returning. The bulk of the Seditious Court resides in a neighbouring realm of á†lfhá¡m.

Queen Joan I aka Queen Joan the Wad - Co-Regent of the Seditious Court, Queen of the Pixies, Lady of the moors, the forests and the gardens, Lady of the dance and Keeper of the Golden Torch (Addressed as her Royal Highness). She conceived a child with Sir Alan Godespeed, an ancestor of Alan's. Alan is descended from that child.

King Jack I aka King Jack o’ the Lantern - Co-regent of the Seditious Court; King of the Pixies, Lord of moors, forests and the gardens; Lord of Tupelo, Memphis and Las Vegas; Keeper of the Shoes of Azure Leather; and Guardian of the Golden Light (Addressed as his Royal Funkaliciousness)

Princess Alannah Louise Goodspeed, Heir to the Sundered Thrones

Queen Joan's (QJ) Pyskies - Aelfwyn, Arden.

King Jack's (KJ) Pyskies - Tate, Felice, Ealhwyn


Golden Court

The faerie court of myth and legend. Driven from our realm (Middangeard) to the realm of á‰sageard

Queen Mab I - Ruler of the Golden Court

Prince Oak - Eldest son of Queen Mab's 7 sons and killed at the Battle of St Mary Buckland

Prince Hawthorn - Second son of Queen Mab and killed at the Battle of St Mary Buckland

Prince Rowan - Youngest son of Queen Mab and believed killed at the Battle of St Mary Buckland by Queen Mab. In actuality he survived and fled injured from the battle. He would a century later marry and have faerie blooded human children in Germany.