Tanya Allan's blog

Busy week and Twisted Dreams on Amazon Kindle.


What a week! Been writing so much that my fingers are bleeding... not quite, but almost. Have amost finished MARINE Book 1, just waiting on my Muse for a cracking ending that grabs people and makes them want the next book so badly... so perhaps a week or two to get it just right. I've just had another light bulb moment for a new book, so we'll have to wait and see. I have a week away with the family soon, so may get a chance to do some more writing.

Managed to get another title.. TWISTED DREAMS.. onto Kindle with slight revisions, but it is still on my site and here for free.

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Another title on Kindle - Weird Wednesday.


Just to let those who may be interested know - WEIRD WEDNESDAY is now available for Kindle.

Tanya Allan's Page

On Kindle US

On Kindle UK

My next Title will be the previously unseen and unpublished MARINE... hopefully within the week... WATCH THIS SPACE.



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The Hard Way and Every Little Girl's Dream..now up on KINDLE


I am busy writing as yet unpublished and unposted books, but in the meantime I have published two established stories that are still here (for free) onto Kindle. For those who may be interested in collecting them for your Kindle.. find them here.. Tanya Allan's Page


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A question or two for you all.....

Hi there

I am trying to juggle elderly parents, grandchildren and everything in between. Due to my parents, I've had to shelve any work for the time being, so that sucks, however, that's not why I'm writing this. I am trying to finish various works that I started ages ago, and making some progress... but I'm conscious that I tend to write for my own edification, so...

What I want to know as follows: - ....

....do you like slow and gradual transitions or rapid ones?

....is it the build up before, during or after that is the most interesting, or a bit of each?

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How do you beat the block? Some thoughts and ramblings.

As I sit in front of my PC, fingers busily creating on the keyboard, and then that moment arrives, you know, that moment when there simply is nothing there.

I often get them these days, probably my age, but it is common amongst those of us who try to create something for others to read. Yes, I'm talking about those BLOCK moments, when one's brain just can't seem to get the steam train of continuity going again to leave the station.

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Hi all.

I've please in announcing a new title on Amazon Kindle. I shall be placing a taster on my website later today, but in the meantime check out my page on Amazon here: Tanya's Page

Check out Amazon.com here: In Plain Sight

Check out Amazon.co.uk here: In Plain Sight

Check out Amazon.de here: In Plain Sight


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More on my Page with Amazon.com

I have now sold more than 430 books, so many thanks.

Just a quick line to let those of you who may be interested, I have revised Tango Golf and published the new edition through Amazon Kindle. I have also listed the first edition on my page there for those who don't have Kindle.

Find it and my other Kindle books here.
Tanya's Page

Once again, many thanks to those who have supported my work. I hope to publish some new books soon, as well as completing some Work In Progress.


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Thanks to all of you who've supported my 300 book sales

Many thanks and hugs to all of you kind people who have supported my first 300 book sales. Since April I have now sold 310 books, and they keep selling. My aim, if that's okay with you guys, is to settle down into a routine that doesn't involve work, so I can actually make money from my writing and that means I can spend so much more time writing.

My books are here Tanya's Page

Thanks to all of you, and to Erin and this site particularly.


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Another story by Tanya Allan on Amazon.com

Hi everyone.

Been busy again. My last few books have sold well, so thanks for your support. If things go as they are I may be able to cut back on paid work and give more time to writing, which will mean I should be able to finish my free postings.

I have just completed another book:-

The link to my website and a taster of the new book, as well as links to the Amazon sites....

Tanya Allan's Tales


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I have now created my own TANYA ALLAN Page on AMAZON.COM. Hopefully, as I manage it, all the published books that I produce will be available to purchase here. I have already revised a few existing paperbacks and eBooks as Kindle books - RING THE CHANGE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A SUPERHERO and AMBER ALERT (within the next 48 hours)

Find the page here > Tanya Allan's Page

The books are available in $$$ on amazon.com and  £ £ £ on amazon.co.uk

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My site updated with first chapter of Behind the Enemy

Hi again.

For those of you who are like me and like to browse before you buy, I've posted the first chapter of my book BEHIND THE ENEMY to my website. There are links to Amazon from the page.

Link Here: http://tanyastales.yolasite.com/pay-to-read.php


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I've finally got something done! Here is the synopsis.

Hi everyone.

I've managed to succeed in breaking through RL and achieve a first!

I have published a new novel......BEHIND THE ENEMY (Book 1) It is published through Amazon for Kindle readers at this time. I am hoping to put it on general eBook & paper release in the not too distant future. Book 2 is almost finished, it was going to be one very big novel, but I found it broke into two easily. I'm not convinced there won't be a third volume as well. We'll have to see how well they sell.


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why I've been quiet...by Tanya Allan

To everyone who has contacted me recently, thanks so much for writing. The answer is, yes, I'm fine (apart from a bad back, which is an old friend), but soooo busy. My parents (both mid 80s and not at all well) found their rambling home in Scotland too much and have finally accepted the suggestion that they'd be better closer to me and in a retirement comunity (independent living but with care if and when they need/want it)

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More stuff from Tanya's muse

Last week was tough, what with elderly parents and demanding grand-children, I suppose I shouldn't complain, but I actually have so much I want to write!

I managed two more chapters of A GIRL CAN BUT DREAM

See it here: http://tanyastales.yolasite.com/wip--a-girl-can-but-dream.php

I'm sure it will be something that Sephrena will post on this site soon.


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Finally..... the next chapter of IT's WHAT I WANT by Tanya Allan

Hi everyone.
I know, it's been too long. Anyway, it's here now, and you will see the problem that I faced. Donna's story had sort of reached the end, but as I was enjoying the characters and there were unanswered questions, I've done something crafty....

.....what is it?

You will have to read it to find out.

Oh, and I've started the next chapter already.

I have posted it to my own site first, but I am sure it will be here within a week or so.
Find it at : http://tanyastales.yolasite.com/its-what-i-want--parts-1-8.php

I hope you enjoy it.


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Overdue, but two new chapters added to my site

Check out a new chapter at the end of CHANGED FORTUNE http://tanyastales.yolasite.com/wip--changed-fortune.php
and another chapter to A GIRL CAN BUT DREAM. http://tanyastales.yolasite.com/wip--a-girl-can-but-dream.php
I have a few more chapters to go up soon, but this will do for the moment. Incidentally, I will be asking Seph to post some of these on this site as from this week.


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