rlarieh007's blog

H1N1 virus, or swine flu,

To all of you on this site especilly those of you that that are pre/or/post SRS. From what I have heard from most of you but not all are that you have heath problems easly especially you post operate SRS women/girls. If any of you get what you think is the FLU get to a Doctor like now and get tested as I and many others on this site don't want anything to happen to any of you, so please take care to the safe side. Richard

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The Pastor and his donkey

My middle son sent this to me and I thought this applied to alot of you and it was cute and I'm sure this is and old joke and alot of you have read before especially the last paragraph probally applies here. A friend to all of you and alot of Hugs to you all! Richard

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT.

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From Tim to Kim: German pop star, 16, becomes world's youngest transsexual after sex change op

German teenager Kim Petras who became the world's youngest transsexual after undergoing an operation at the age of just 16 says she can't wait for the summer so she can try out a whole new wardrobe of tight fitting clothes.
The pop singer - born Tim - is well known in Germany for having started hormone replacement therapy as part of her gender transition by the age of 12.
Now 16, she completed Gender Reassignment Surgery in November, according to a posting on her blog.

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Question Answered Teddi's Back

Teddi's Back, in her message she told me what sounds like she had a Computer Fire which destroyed her computer then had some health problems. She replace the computer with a new laptop and as you can see she posted a new chapter to her current story and has promise a book two to her story with Lucy. Welcome Back Teddi! Richard

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Angel O'Hare

Gang; I just got an e-Mail from Angel saying she just got out of the hospital from emergency surgery and has been there since the 31st of December. She lost 50lbs while there and just needs some bed rest for now. Also I'm glad hear she OK. We will probally hear more from her as she gets better! Richard

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I Have a Question?

I want to ask if anybody has had contact with T. D. Aldoennetti since Christmas. I want to know as she lives in the outskirts of the Seattle-Tacoma area and as if you have followed any of the news from that area they were hit real hard with snow before Christmas and and then heavy rain after Christmas causing a lot of weather problems with flooding and other things. She hasn't posted anything on the site since the Dec 20th.

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London Times Obituary of the Late Mr. Common Sense


Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who
has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he
was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red
tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable
lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain; Why the early

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Internet music - Rock & Roll 1955 thru the 80's

If you like to listen to music while working on your computer writting your great stories - check out this web site from San Diego, CA Radio 105.7 FM web site for streaming music from 1955 thru 80's Rock & Roll Hits = www.walrusfm.com then click on flag for "To Listen Live". I'm sure you will enjoy it! Richard

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