Raff01's blog

it's another looking for a story blog

I don't recall much about the story, but the title page had a picture of a young child either falling into a puddle or already in it. I think the story was about the boy,getting wet, putting on clothes that belong to a friend of his

I there's problems between his parents, but I could be mixing to stories there.

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I'm still here

Just thought I'd drop a blog and say that I'm here, just dealing with a few things. first is the Through the years. I had it mostly ready, well next chapter at least, but then I thought of stuff to add to it, so working on that.

Also been in a very bad mood since right around Christmas. I got a jury duty summons. In this county though, they take you for the month. So for 6 days I may have to show up. The worst is this coming Tuesday. I have to call at 11 am and if I'm needed , I got to be there at 1 pm. Really? Two hours to find out and be there? Talk about cutting it close.

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What is wrong with stores?

So the other day, the 18th, my roommate and I went to Kroger. For those who don't know, Kroger is major chain of grocery stores. While we were there, I made her go down the seasonal isle and was angry to find that they had removed most of the stuff from it already. Found out they've been removing candy and stuff from there since the 10th. Really? We have to put up with Christmas stuff before Halloween and it's not even a week before and they were pulling the Christmas stuff? the Easter candy is already out. the roommate went to Wal Mart yesterday to find the same thing.

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Okay, so I should warn you all

Was almost ready to send off four chapters to get edited for Through the years and I realized how much I hated them. So right now I am in the process of changing a lot of stuff around. I am also deciding to work on the "Impossible dream." I know, I need to do more, but been busy lately watching very bad slasher films.

also noticed something. I have a few ideas outlines for other stories and I came to an interesting discovery about my stories. They're all named from songs.

Through the years: Kenny Rogers
Could I have this dance: Anne Murry

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Trying to recall a story

I can't remember the title, or the writer but it was set in England and had a guy who at first thought he wanted to be a woman, then near the end he just liked dressing up, also had a part where other guys were trying to out him or get pictures of him on the news and he managed to get them caught by the news people. and he was a teenager I think. I'd go through the teen/high school listing, but that list is huge

what the heck was that story?

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For those who read Through the years

I am revising a part of Through the years: Tracy emerging part 15.

The more I read it, the more I realized I added stuff and meant to add a bit more before I sent it off to be edited, but I totally forgot to add it. It's in the part at Brooke's house. I make several comments to Tracy looking over, but forgot to finish what I had planned for that.

So I shall edit it to make it whole, plus change a bit in another post of reflect the change. And also, the rating is going up too

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For those who read it, Through the years has suffered a slight hiccup. My computer decided that it would die, while I was in hte process of working on part 20. I lost it all, plus two other story ideas I had open. I usually save it to my portable hard drive (i mean who wouldn't, it's got like 1 T of space to save things on) but before I could get to that point, the computer gave up the fight.

So I am trying my best to re-write the story to where I had it

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A gamer question

Not really a question about a game, but just wondering, how many people here play video games. Not that stuff on facebook, but like Xbox, PS3 stuff like that.

Myself I own a PS1, PS2 PS3 Xbox (but it's almost ready to die) Xbox 360, with a live account a Gamecube and a Wii. I also have the DS, but have rarely played that. I want to get a PSP but right now money is tight.

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been a bit busy

Just thought i'd say that through the years may be a bit slow. Been busy cleaning around the house and we finally got our severance pay and unused sicktime pay from my old job....and I paid out a total of $1700. In taxes between those two checks.

So now I can pay bills and stuff. Plus been battleing bouts of depression because I don't know what I want to do now.

I've got two chapters almost ready to go, jus stuck on parts.

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Re: Through the years

I know I went from posting daily to big stretches of nothing. Been a little hectic dealing with the former job and trying to figure out what I want to do in life.

I am also stuck on what I want to do with the story. I'll try to get what I got written so far finished soon and try to get into a better schedule.

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RE: Through the years: Tracy emerging part 10

So you know, the next chapter of Tracy's story will be a bit delayed. That's why I posted a second one today.

I will be out of town and away from my computer until possibly Monday. And I don't have another set up to send off of editing. Sorry for the delay, but I promise it will get better.

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A decision about Through the years

Okay, I have received several messages about my typos and I agree with all of you. When I write I move fast because I tend to forget stuff quickly. So when an idea hits, I type like the wind. I may also be partly dyslexic. I thank each and every one of you who have point out my mistakes, because let's face it, I haven't caught them.

But I was thinking of going back and fixing hte typos in the posted ones and was wondering if that would be fine. I really don't want to submit them all over again.

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What a strange day so far

So it's my birthday today and through Facebook I've gotten a bunch of wall to wall postings. I managed to get yelled at on one by my brothers wife for using the word...and I kid you not...Porn.

She got mad because I'm not setting a good example for any kids who may be reading the posts. Like my brothers kids, one of who had put things far worse on his own posts. I have no children and I'm not truly a fan of the drooling little snot factories anyway. So I'm having fun writing back and forth with my brother and four friends when she steps in and ruins my fun.

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just found out

Just found out that the group I work for is getting rid of my job on the 21st of August. Not too sure what to do, but I'll figure something out

I hope

I'll try to keep up on Troy's story, but if things get tight I offer no promises

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