bobbie-c's blog

The Working Girl Blog #58: Leaving BCTS and saying my goodbyes

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #58: Leaving BCTS and saying my goodbyes - My Final Blog

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

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The Working Girl Blog #51: Donating some clothes to Goodwill

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #51: Donating some clothes to Goodwill

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

For the past couple of weeks, my roommate and I have been sort-of shut-ins, owing to my lawyer's recommendation to stay in for a while and my innate scaredy-cat nature. No going out, jogging, shopping, or eating out. The both of us were having a bit of cabin fever. Being all by myself was nothing new - being by myself didn't used to be a big deal. But, somehow, it is now.

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The Working Girl Blog #50: Lecturing the Troops - Longest Day Ever

The Working Girl Blogs
Revision 2.0


Blog #50: Lecturing the Troops -
Longest Day Ever

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

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The Working Girl Blog #49: Stayed in the hospital for a while

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #49: Stayed in the hospital for a while,or
Thought I wouldn't get beat up anymore

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I've been in the hospital since Monday, so I've been incommunicado for a while. No internet or phone calls. Doctor’s orders. Yeah, bummer. I had to stay in the hospital for observation, as well as have some tests. You see, I had a concussion at work last Monday morning. I got beat up.

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The Working Girl Blog #48: Sweating up a storm - The honeymoon is over

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #48: Sweating up a storm - The honeymoon is over

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Nope. This is not a commercial for a post in the Stories section or something like that, but a real, honest-to-goodness blog. So be cool.


Yesterday, I had my first jog in weeks. You would think that having started all of this jogging more than five months ago, it would be less of a novelty. But it still is, and I still enjoy it as a welcome change from my day-to-day, and not just a way to keep healthy. And I guess all of us have a bit of an exhibitionist streak (though I don't mean I go around jogging in the nude lol),

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The Working Girl Blog #44: Back home

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #44: Back home

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:


I arrived home at around 1PM yesterday, tidied up my place, did some laundry, went to my folks to drop off some "pasalubong", had some dinner out, and tried to get as much sleep as I can to combat jetlag & to recover from the more-than-twenty-four-hour flight (not to mention two transfers).

Glad to be home.

Anyway, I'm gonna post a long blog this weekend with a lot of pics (which I will "anonymize" - hope you guys won't mind), that I hope you'll like. Not too many Manila pics, but lots of pics of my Palawan weekend (which was mostly swimming, swimming and more swimming).

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The Working Girl Blog #43: Getting used to things

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #43: Getting used to things

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:


There are four things I'm putting in tonight's blog: one - I've been in the Philippines over five days now, on a business trip for my company, to help set up a new call center; two - I'm getting to know the place and the people (and the shopping!) and am enjoying it so far; three - there was a metro-wide blackout due to downed power lines because of a typhoon, and: four - apparently I look like someone named Nancy.

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The Working Girl Blog #42: On the ground safe n sound

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #42: On the ground safe n sound

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:


Hi! Como esta? (my seatmate said it's actually colloquially pronounced "coomoo-sta" here)

Just arrived in Manila, and wanted to drop a little quickie note to tell everyone we're all safe and sound

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The Working Girl Blog #41: Seeya in two weeks

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #41: Seeya in two weeks

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I'm going to the Far East this afternoon. There are four of us flying to the Philippines this afternoon. Our flight leaves at 5:30pm later, so last night, I packed a my one and only wheelie bag with just five outfits, a couple of heels (in black, of course, so it'll match with virtually anything) a couple of pajamas, and just enough underwear for a week (plus make-up, toiletries, brushes n combs and everything else a girl needs).

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The Working Girl Blog #38: An update

The Working Girl Blog #38:
An update, or
It's always good to find a place where you belong

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

I have no one to jog with this morning, so I'm skipping my regular Saturday jog. Which is a good thing coz I intend to write an unusually-long blog today. Got my laptop, a mug of chocolate, a comfortable couch, so here goes.

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