That's the old server, the one that runs my qnez, ateros, fictioneer, beastlythoughts and about 25 other domains admined by Theresa Sanchez; this time it isn't hackers but the ISP that operates the server farm in Texas. They updated some software on my server at midnight last night and now pop access to email does not work, nor do a lot of control panel functions for the server.
I don't know how long this is going to take to fix. For now, email me through my yahoo address, [email protected].
Donations through which I maintain the BC servers are down this summer, BTW, and I'm planning a move in September with lots of expenses. If you can, a donation right now would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Seems to be fixed now...
Something minor, apparently. I think they re-did the update and fixed it. Cheers!
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.