I appreciate I am a few days late, but 'Bike' or as it should be called 'Easy as falling off a Bike' is Seven years old.
Angharad started an attempt to write a story 'over a few days' live to the site, as an experiment, on the 16th July 2007.
Now two thousand four hundred episode later we are still eagerly awaiting our 'Daily Dormouse' as much as any other addicts do.
For all those who have enjoyed this saga, loved the characters, laughed at the puns and cried on occasions, I can only say
Thank You.
I cannot imagine the number of hours spent over this time, on a nearly every day basis, it has taken to produce the saga we know and love.
A heartfelt thanks for all the sheer hard work it has taken to produce, what must be the longest running 'soap' on the internet.
I only wish more people were aware of this great story, But I am certain your merry band of followers send you their love.
Love to all
Anne G.
It was Bike that brought me to this site. Thanks, Ang.
Makes me feel much older.
And I can't afford that. Is it really that long? It's an incredible achievement simply to put finger to keyboard so regularly let alone to develop a style so successfully that captures the heart, the funny bone and the admiration of so many. I know Ang owes me a new keyboard because mines contaminated by all sorts of nasal emissions too disgusting to describe. Don't buy secondhand keyboards from Bike readers folks; you don't know what you might catch.
Angharad's Notable Great Hope A Ride A Day
I'm not really a BigCloset reader - just passing through on my way to more important business as soon as I have caught up with Angharad's teachings on Zen and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance.
The more familiar I become with The Muscardinus avellanarius Chronicals the greater my respect for Angharad's skill, insight and sheer hard work. Without doubt this work will one day be required reading for all those between finishing their full-time education and taking up their careers as Lollipop Ladies.
Thank you Angharad
Rhona McCloud
Bike has kept me coming back
Bike has kept me coming back to BC at times when I might have drifted away. The many hours I've spent reading Angharad's scribbles have been time well spent. I do believe that someday an English literature professor will be teaching a semester-long course analyzing Bike.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Really? How did I miss that.
And thanks for pointing it out, Anne.
Ang, if you're reading this, I'm still enjoying your little "confection".
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."