Fashion Sense is a lost art

Once upon a time...,no one had to teach us manners or proper dress. I guess it was because we had a mom and a dad or someone to respect and look up to. Then it became "cool" to rebel against the status quo by dressing down. Along came other things like casual Friday. Remember when all the girls wore flip flops to the White House? Movie stars stopped looking like movie stars and more like fashion wrecks. That included the guys as well as the ladies. The women looked like they bought their clothes at Back Alley Dumpsters R Us, rather than Rodeo Drive. Instead of "I want to look like a movie star". It was "God help me if I look like that." Along with all the rest of the Hippy Movement came the idea no one had to 'dress in their Sunday Best' for church. If anyone still went to church it meant thrown something on and go.

To understand how far down into the cesspool of 'let it all hang out' dress code we have gone, google Walmart shoppers. I no longer blink when I see the ocean of people who look like they were gave clothes after being pulled out of a car wreck in a muddy ditch. What takes a second glance is the woman who is wearing a dress that fits, looks attractive, has her makeup, and her hair arranged. She doesn't necessarily need heels. Flats will work. Flip flops never work unless one is at home, or the swimming pool.

But then what do I know. I come from a different world. I'm waiting for my ride home. Obviously I don't belong here. Humans are interesting creatures but so uncouth, uncivilized.

Have fun with life
It's too short to take it seriously

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