Gender changes slowly coming

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Over the past sixty years the concepts and perceptions about those who do NOT fit the gender identity they were tagged with at birth is slowly changing. Sadly, Harry Benyamin's Gender Dysphoria is still hung onto all boy-girls caught up in the gender blender. In other words, if one doesn't accept their birth sex designation then they are crazy.

I don't know of any clinic still practicing electric shock and or lobotomy to correct this mental defect. Although as hard as it will be for some to believe, it was common practice at one time. I corresponded with some of those girls who made it out of those sadistic torture chambers. By God's grace they were still sane.

If one is a Thailand national they can walk into a doctor's office and say, I want to be a girl (boy). The doc will tell them to lay down take a deep breath of this and don't blame me when you wake up and don't like what you asked for. Actually there is a tad more than that but not much. Foreigners are required to have two letters from respective doctors. From what I have been told seldom do the clinics ask for the papers. If one is "crazy" enough to want a change all it takes is $6000 dollars US or more for the highly publicized clinics.

Personally I've read some real horror stories about the cheap shots. "Pssst buddy, want a sex change? Step into my clinic. I offer good work for cheap prices." I don't think so. I mean come on. That's something I will live with the rest of my life. I want to think I'm getting a Rolls Royce service for something that important.

Anyway, I digress. The following link was what brought all this to mind. Courage girls and boys, TG are slowly being accepted as human.

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