Manic mode

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Well, I am experiencing a manic episode, and its ... interesting.

The first symptom I noticed was a couple of days ago I started to develop an appetite. All of a sudden, I was ravenously hungry, and I still am dealing with this right now.

But it was the second symptom that sealed it for me that this is a manic episode - I can't sleep. I have maybe slept four hours over the last two days, and its a worry.

I'm not really sure what I can do. I could take a sleeping pill tomorrow morning to force the sleeping part, but I really don't want to get used to using that kind of thing, I am super scared of addiction.

What's worse is that I know that this manic mode wont last very long, and I might go down a long way once its over ...

Ah, well.


Try Benadryl

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Try Benadryl... it's an OTC allergy med. Non habit forming and will make you drowsy.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Benadryl drowsiness?

Daniela Wolfe's picture

If you've never had benadryl do be aware. There are a small minority of people (like myself) who for whatever reason when they take benadryl instead of growing sleepy are completely wired. I've had to take it a few times in the past due to allergic reactions, but I try to avoid it for that very reason.

Have delightfully devious day,

see a Doc

Go see a doctor, pleae.


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

Nothing wrong with being manic.

Relax, read some interesting book if you can't sleep. Nothing wrong with being manic at all. I'm quite manic and can function quite stealthily. Was twigged as manic person only by my SO in last 20 years :-)
And well... Being not able to sleep until 5 in the morning is quite OK if you need to be working starting 2 in the afternoon :-)

Just Like One Said About Gwen's Problem,

You might not be experiencing mania or hypomania, it might be a stress, fear, phobic reaction. Bi-polar disease has lots of forms, but I think with at least 'simple bi-polar', hunger should not be part of the manic phase. Maybe put too simply, I think a manic phase person acts like she is generating her own amphetamines or other uppers, so there should be a reduction in appetite.

I think at least bringing it up with your therapist is a good idea and you may end up seeing a doctor. If there is a stress reaction, and going outside isn't stressful for you, you could just take a walk for several hours. I think you get a bit of exercise from your job, but in stressful conditions. If you can just do something mildly aerobic for a long time, with companions or alone, without too many distractions, it can be stress reducing. I use bicycling; you could swim or cross-country ski, skate, etc.

Hope you feel better soon!

Hugs and Bright Blessings,