Put down your morning coffee and clear anything that is breakable away from your desk and out of arms reach.
Before you open and read the piece the attached link takes you to, I ask that all readers reframe from posting comments in which you feel compelled to use every expletive and deleted you learned in the locker room or heard bantered about in the barracks. If you feel the need to vent you spleen, please do so as another blog entry under your name.
I post this because I feel it is important for people to know what others think and how they view us. Not everyone is willing to throw their arms out and welcome you when you finally come out and inform them you are transgender. Not every mama is going to think it’s simply darling to dress their son up as a little girl. Believe it or not, there are some people out there that don’t like us, really!
While political correctness has made it easier for the newbies to openly transition and live their lives in an appropriate manner, the stifling of opinion in the public square has caused many who are very much anti-TG to keep their thoughts to themselves. This is both good and bad in that today girls or boys coming out of the closet are not badgered by those who see them as an abomination as some of us old timers were. That does not mean their opinion has not changed. If anything, some chose to make their thoughts known through other, more insidious ways, subtle, unspoken bigotry that is just as hurtful as the old brand and no less dangerous who use their position to discriminate against us.
So when you read this piece, do so for the purpose of learning what others think, but might not be willing to say. As I was taught as a young officer; ‘Know your enemy.’
Nancy Cole
a.k.a. HW Coyle
[Link modified slightly for safety by me. -- Erin]
washington times
well, it's the washington times. nobody's taken that newspaper seriously in -- its entire existence? it is, after all, a front for the moonies. it makes the murdoch press look respectable.
in other news, other raving religious loons don't like us much, either.
not as think as i smart i am
Oh, I don't know...
...I've always thought it would make a good fit with Murdoch's New York Post...
John B.
Yes, that person is bigoted, but...
... he is also ignorant. The writing style seems to indicate that the ignorance is willful and stubborn, in which case we can only hope for a "Saul on the road to Damascus"-like enlightenment. Ignorant people CAN be educated, IF THEY WANT TO BE. How to go about creating a desire for education, well, THAT is the big question. I must admit I needed enlightenment, myself, so I would hardly be fair if I didn't think some other people could use a little.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Consider the source
Soon as I saw it was the Washington Times I could pretty much predict the nature and tone of the article. I just don't think you can describe the Times as being subtle or insidious when they are so blatently bigoted. It is pretty much the mouthpiece for the tea party, except when they say that the TPers have not gone far enough. I've actually seen an Op-Ed piece where the Times and the TP spokesman argued that the other wasn't as bigoted as they should be (my phrasing).
Anyway, I have no problem ignoring the Wash. Times and what they stand for. As a friend of mine would say, it's pointless to argue with their stupidity - they'll just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Hm... while he's obviously a
Hm... while he's obviously a bigot and transphobic he does have a slight point. Crying "Privilege" at people even when they make stupid comments doesn't do anything to win their hearts. Especially when the privilege itself is somewhat doubtful. The stuff I gathered from the article is that he considers queer people deluded and obviously idiots. Immunisation against stupid arguments by crying privilege only confirms those prejudice though.
From someone not coming from the liberal milieu this makes them look as much as sect as a conservative would look from the other side. And sometimes they plain are. I don't discuss with feminists anymore for example. It's utterly pointless. Women are victims, men are violators, not agreeing with them only confirms the truth of their statements and in doubt it's the patriarchy's fault. It's more pointless than discussing the existance of God with a stout Catholic.
The guy is obviously a conservative and obviously ignorant and prejudiced. But he also ran into people who were as prejudiced as him, just from the other side. He goes to his conservative newspaper and whines about liberal freaks/idiots, while we're here complaining about conservative bigots. Yay, everyone got their worldview confirmed.
Is This The US Version Of The Daily Mail?
I got as far as the word 'lefties'. That was when this piece forfeited its right to say anything to me at all.
Sort of...
...but not completely. It's not nearly as bad as almost any Newscorp holding, and had long prided itself on "independence." They were conservative, overall, and had a number of very conservative commentators, but they also had quite a few real liberals, not the "pets" that Newscorp likes to trot out as straw men. Unlike Newscorp, they really did try to be 'fair and balanced.' It was owned by the Graham family for many years, but has been sold (as of Oct First) to Jeff Bezos, the guy who heads Amazon.com
It's been responsible to many breakthroughs in investigating and publishing very important news stories, including the Watergate scandal that led to the impeachment of Richard Nixon, the "Pentagon Papers," and many more. They've taken almost fifty Pulitzer Prizes over the years, so one could hardly describe it as a "rag" or "scandal sheet."
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
2 different newspapers
You're confusing the Washington Post and the Washington Times. The Graham family owned the Post.
The Washington Times is owned by the "Unification Church"
...founded by the late the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, popularly known as the "Moonies." They have a small fraction of the circulation of the Washington Post.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
And to think.
And to think at one time I used to deliver The Washington Evening Star before it shutdown and became The Washington Times. My how times have changed.
Some great points here, especially Beyogi's.
I can't help but totally agree Beyogi on your comments regarding Feminism and most of the rest. It's really a shame Simon de Beauvoir isn't alive anymore. She'd clean the clocks of those people you know, verbally I mean.
For your other points, and I know I will get bashed for this. I think the author of that article has a point in that physically at times you have to identify a person as male or female at times in their parts if only for medical reasons. Another reason, one more abstract, would be to express the dichotomy(I think I used this properly) between one's mind and the current state of their body.
However, the author had that pervasive, smug righteousness exemplified of the typical Conservative mindset. Additionally, a lot of times many Liberals share this quality. After this, it's questioned why everyone won't come to the table.
Lastly, I refuse to identify Bradley now as Chelsea Manning. I'll call her Michelle, Chelle, Clarissa, anything but Chelsea. Now everyone named Chelsea is going to hate me because I'm not a fan of the name.
What's wrong with Chelsea ;-;?
Also @OP: Well I don't really bother, because if I wanted to "know my enemy" I just go to family events. I was raised extremely right wing christian, the whole nine yards you know. Yadda yadda everyone's going to hell that doesn't believe what we do blah blah mew.
Also, as a mother I wouldn't dress my son up as a girl unless he asked me to. I Know what you were trying to get at but yeah my transition was never quite so easy. It still isn't, I'll always be my father and mothers child, never their daughter. I know that, and it sucks but sometimes you just have to go with your third fourth or fifth choice.
In public they'll respect my identity, but at family meetings I"m always on my own and it sucks. I'm just... so sick of always catering to them simply because it "might cause a ruckus."
Also I don't care what her name is, Chelsea from what I read is a traitor and may have caused some horrible things to happen. I kinda wish she wouldn't have brought such negativity to our people but what can you do. I guess it just goes to show there are bad people in every walk of life.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Most of Chelsea's on this site are
Cheerleaders and nasty :-)
As for traitor... So far that leak caused some bad things to happen to some generals (as in need to leave cosy jobs in pentagon) and caused people to become aware of some quite serious military crimes. The only real victim of that leak is... Manning herself.
My father had 2 aphorisms tht fit this.
(1) Never argue with an idiot!
(2) Why did God make so many horses asses and so few horses?
'Nuff said.
The world has a long history of hate politics...
...it's not a new invention. Read the Bible, think about what it really meant to be a Canaanite, leaving aside the fact the the early Israelis were (from the archeological record) undoubtedly Canaanites themselves, having lived there since at least the Bronze Age. Some say the late Paleolithic, actually, based upon the excavation of sites in which pig bones were non-existent. The propaganda, though, obeyed every rule of the Nazi propaganda guru Goebbels, "Choose a hated group, heap every social ill upon their heads, and kill them."
We see it today; the most noticeable feature of propaganda is that it almost always identifies an "enemy" whom "decent people" hate. For the most part, politicians are no longer able to get away with racial and ethnic slurs, unless they're fairly covert, so they substitute "special" groups whose members hardly anyone in their target audience actually knows.
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly –– it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and overâ€
-- Hermann Goering
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
For some strange reason...
...I felt motivated to write a miniature essay in the comments (only ten so far, but more people gently pointing out the writer's an ignorant idiot than agreeing with him). If you don't want to increase the paper's hit count, I'll reproduce my ramblings below...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Rainbow Warriors
...While we tend to think of gender identity and sexual preference as black and white, they may be more positions along a scale...
Human sexuality has never been a dichotomy, but something more like a spectrum, except that it extends over as many dimensions as humans are capable of perceiving. Even in the Bible, where things often seem "black and white," there's a long history in some religious traditions dating back more than a thousand years of accommodating intersex and transgendered people, usually called "tum-tums" or "androgynes" in the Talmud. There's a nice explication right here on BC by Shalimar...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
More like a spectrum
Funny you should say that, since that's effectively what I've argued in previous blog comments on the subject here...
...(rushes off to Google to search "mittfh gender spectrum site:bigclosetr.us")...
Here's one, a second, and a third.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Hey Puddin'.
Ehhh, I'd just as soon wear a dress over a suit. I mean those things are hot, i.e. you will bake in them.
I mean, as men, we have worn things that are dresses by other names in addition to skirts. This genderfication of clothes is so ridiculous. There are so many gender variants in terms of the clothes type through colors and cut though. A LBD could be considered fairly masculine given it's color and implied aggression, same with tight vinyl or leather. Conversely, I'd consider a ruffled panty, corset, etc. quite feminine. I believe there are a decent amount of men who'd welcome the former but adamantly reject the latter.
We all, men and women, have differently degrees of femininity. As men, if straight, we're expected to throw it in the garbage or express it through sublimation.
Funny thing is that most extremely feminine...
...articles of clothing were designed by men for men. Corsets, hose, wigs, high heel boots...
Also until late XIX century in many countries aristocrats (and in some countries almost everybody) dressed their sons as girls for variety of reasons untill roughly the usual time to start puberty.
There is a quote from the
There is a quote from the film 'American President' that seems suited to this circumstance. It goes "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." Having read the article I respect his right to have different views even though his words do make my blood boil. Frankly his views are so rigid nothing I could say will change his views, not that I would particularly want to get into a debate with him. Instead I will spend my lifetime opposing the misguided views he and others express through a simple act.
I'll do it by living my life.
He can rage all he wants. I still win. :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Hear, hear!
Spot on, Miss Pitstop :)
I think I'll pass....
I know if I read that article, not only would I be furious, I'd be unable to come up with a valid, logical argument against anything he says (since it basically comes down to my opinion against his). I've never been able to defend any opinion or position I hold--I just don't have the rhetorical skills. Because I'd be unable to prove him wrong, I'd start to wonder if he might in fact be right. Then I'd spiral into depression as my whole belief system is thrown into turmoil.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Worda Mean What We Say They Mean
I read the article ans was struck by his comment that words mean what the liberals mean. In reality words mean what we say it means. The we is everybody: conservatives and liberals; rich and poor; old and young; and including various ethnic and racial groups. There are words that I knew when I was younger are no longer in use (example: groovy). There are words that now exist that were not thought of when I was younger (example internet). Words can creep into English from other languages (example: pasta). Also words change their meaning (example: gay). One of the newest words is the crunut, basically a donut made with cruseant dough.
Note: this man is relevant only to those who think he is relevant.