So, what's been up with me?
For those of you who know me on Facebook, this is not new. For those who don't, but have read my stories here (the only place I post my stories, here goes.
Number one, I'm getting married, so yay me. I've said before that relationships are poison to my muse, and this is particularly true now. I have a ready made family, with two kids, and it's almost more than I can handle. I love kids, and this whole process has been exhausting but really rewarding.
Next, we are preparing to move to Japan for my fiancé's job (woooot!). We'll be gone for at least two years, so I might be able to do a little writing in my spare time, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Anyway, I'll still be around checking in every now and then, so see you all around!!
FABOO for Cindilee!!!
Congrads on snagging your love.
Hope the kids come to adore and respect you and that Japan is a good time and not culture shock of the worst kind.
At least you aren't moving to Butler Wisconsin. YUCK!
-- grin --
Hope to see more of your writing as muse and RL permits.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
So happy for you, Cindilee!
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
I'm adjusting to not being depressed , so I'll get used to it
This sounds exciting!
Abigail Drew.
Omedeto! Nihon de no jikan o o tanoshimi kudasai.
Just keep an open mind, remain respectful, and I am sure you will love it there! The Japanese will tolerate and not mind anything so long as you are polite, so don't worry too much about committing snafus. And the advantage is that most Japanese have a kind of a thing about us Americans, so you have a big leg up over there.
Where will you be in Japan? If you will be in Tokyo, and you are into anime or gadgets, try and visit the Akihabara district, but watch out for the few pickpockets there (sadly, there are a few).
Is your fiance Japanese as well? If she is, maybe we can compare notes? heee
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My fiancé is caucasian, and I already have a few girlfriends there. We'll be living in the Osaka area and I'm looking forward to getting over there.
= )
And a big truck too? Or have you moved onto someone else?
no way!
Same great guy! I'm having a little trouble adjusting to this, but I have a great counselor, who happens to be an author here too!
Love the nails by the way
you're a wonderful woman Cindy and your guy is lucky to have you, Arecee