So a favorite litte birdy has informed me that a story called Bishop, another one in the works is a sequel LONG LONG overdue to No Obligation, and for you Whedon types a new Firefly chapter to boot....
Same little birdie also may need so encouragement and cheering from the peanut gallery to get her in the right frames of mind to get at them.
So p;ease everyone clap you hands and say "I do believe in fairies. I do believe in fairies..." May not help, but at least I'll feel better :)
Comment here or send PM's If you want more Becca let her know, if you want Bishop, or Stark, or Firefly....TELL her on here or via PM...
All Hail to Randalynn "Flash" Gordon, Savior of the Universe. Have Nice Day!
I'm clapping as hard as I can...
...I'm not a fairy, but I do play one on television. And I sooooo want to read more Bishop. Or maybe Becca's next tale. Or what's going on with Stark. And then of course there's that awful gorram feeling of anxiety waiting for the next Firefly episode. And what about Tommy; he's such a polite kid he'd never speak for himself. Sigh....
Love, Andrea Lena
I Believe!
I Believe! I Believe! I said it three times so it must be true!
"I'm a leaf on the wind." :)
Hum? Sounds like a gal we know
There's no place like home, Randa. There's no place like home, Randa. There's no place like home, Randa....
John says while clicking his ruby red slippers heels together three times.
Hey it worked for that Dorothy girl!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Yes please.
I can't wait for a new story from Randalynn.
Of Course
I believe in fairies, why do think I keep this shotgun handy? Bishop or Stark I guess, I recognize the name Becca but I can't place her in a story. For me, Firefly would be dead last.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Ok, since when has Randalynn
been known has "Flash" Gordon, Savior of the Universe.?
May Your Light Forever Shine
I don't believe in fairies...
... I know that fairies exist! ;)