The following arrival appeared in yesterdays newspaper. May be of interest.
Bloke who ogled me in bar called me Glenda the bender when I was a boy
Nicole's revenge as she waits to have sex op
Great article! :)
Wishing Miss Nicole the best.
May Your Light Forever Shine
How to demean yourself
in front of the whole world - pose in a bikini. I hope the Sun paid her well for making a total prat of herself, and as for those shoes - she wouldn't be able to walk through a normal door frame in them.
Why do transsexuals have to prove themselves as women to the whole world in order to believe in themselves? Surely living and working and being accepted as female is enough - obviously not.
Sex And Image
We live in a society that values public validation for appearance, or for wealth, or for power. This is part of the "there is no bad publicity, as long as they spell your name right" school of thinking.
You can see this all the time, in all strata. Most people, regardless of sex, age, or transition status, have no idea that raising their exposure level is actually a bad idea.
Not only transexuals.
Doesn't the same thing apply to non-TS women too? It's not just transsexuals. Is this any different from Jordan/Katie Price displaying and using her (enhanced) body as a commercial tool? I understand your feelings but I think you're being too hard. And those shoes ... remove the heel, add shoe-plates and the shape wouldn't be much different from cycle racing shoes :) I have some very similar I only use on the turbo-trainer LOL
Don't forget, I think this was published in the News of the World (or, as they now call it, the Sunday Sun) wasn't it. My old landlady used to take it when I was in digs in the 1950s. It was slightly more euphemistic in those days and specialised in what was known as the 'I made an excuse and left' school of journalism.
We have no idea of course if
We have no idea of course if the article was her idea or not. If the press approached her with the view to running the story anyway she may decided to just go with it and get the most positive spin she could. A fairly positive article overall given the source I thought.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Why so judgemental?
I see a picture of someone who seems happy with herself. Isn't that enough?
Why is there a bar that someone must either leap over or limbo under? Why not let people just walk through the door of their own choosing and not pass judgement on whether they wiggle their butt as they do so?
Hugs to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Nicole's youtube channel
This is her Youtube Vlog for anyone who wants some background.
What pretty, young girl
wouldn't want her picture taken? How many have paid to have publicity like this? And, were you as young and pretty wouldm't you?
As for her 'bikini' that's demure. The cover of Sports Illustrated reveals much more. Her's is a simple two-piece, in which, I might add, she looks very good.
Red MacDonald