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but due to some veery cautious train booking I shan't get home until after 23.00!

Main thing though is that my batteries are recharged, i've avoided the embarrasing significant birthday stuff at home and work and i hads a good time to boot.

Gaby posting will return to the usual schedule next week by which time i should have a further new Nena chapter in the can!

Until we meet again, adios!


Glad to see that things

went well for you Maddy. Nena chapters are as much fun to read as your Gaby. :)

May Your Light Forever Shine

Maybe a soloar power charger

Can help. It is good that you are feeling better. Take good care of yourself.


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune