Basically, the latest update to one of the background parts of Drupal broke the mini-editor or rather the mini-editor's integration into the editing box. The mini-editor is the string of little boxes above the editing window that lets you automate inserting structured HTML into your stories, blogs and forum posts.
What goes wrong is that when you split off the teaser/summary into a separate window, the doomaflatchie that loads the mini-editor for each sub-window only loads one copy. Then part of the program thinks there are two windows with two internal caches and the other part thinks there is only one window with one internal cache. A cache is sort of scratchpad memory where things are written before being saved.
The solution until Piper and I can unravel just which exact part of the code is causing the problem is to never edit the a story or blog or forum when there are two editor windows visible. Always click the button that says "Join Summary" to combine the two windows into one. Then do your edits, choose where you want the teaser to end and place the editing cursor there then click "Split summary at cursor" to make two windows again. Hit save and Bob's your aunt now!
Editing comments is okay, they don't have teasers.
We hope we can solve this soon but it is a holiday week and I don't know but I think this is going to take some time and skullsweat to work out.
Actually, I haven't seen that facility for a while, now. I've been forced to hand-code < and > in my submissions and comments for about three months.
And the splitting and joining thing on submissions: that never worked for me, ever. I did mention it but it was just after an upgrade and you had many other nasties to fix.
Still, at least I can post! (But I can't give kudos: Nothing happens when I click.)
Hope you can get it all fixed!
Problems with mini-editor and kudos
Your problems are not on the server end, I can masquerade as your account and access both the mini-editor and the kudos button. Those are both AJAX code, so are you blocking Java in your browser?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Maybe your browser privacy or security settings
are set too high. they should have an EXCEPTIONS button for each category and you can add our web address as an exception. You also need to allow cookies for us too. Ensure Java and Javascript settings allow us through, and it may be possible, if you have an ad blocker software that you might have entered frames or something to be blocked. Fastest way to see if you did is to: disable for this site only on the adblocker settings, ctrl key + browser refresh button. Play around with the page and see if it is working how it should or better.
Privacy and security settings
I dunno. I had a good look at this when it first happened. Couldn't find anything. Of course, since then I've done two complete upgrades and rebuilds...
I'm using Firefox (updated about every 10 minutes, it seems) with Adblock and Noscript as my only add-ons. Naturally, I have and whitelisted. Should there be any others?
Thanks for your help,
Erin, please enjoy
Erin, please enjoy Thanksgiving. Reharge your batteries before tackling the Mini-Editor and other problems.
May Your Light Forever Shine