I'm kind of frustrated as of late. I'm beginning to think that my writing is dragging me down. I used to write every day and it used to be fun. Now it just seems like a chore, something that I'm forcing myself to do. I'm not saying that I want to stop writing but lately my stuff doesn't seem to be appealing to a larger audience anymore. I'm frustrated in that something I'm not enjoying seems to be something no one else is enjoying either. So why am I writing if no one wants to read it anymore?
I can't speak for everyone...
I can't speak for everyone, but I for one enjoy your stories.
Maybe, you should try to shift gears a bit and maybe try writing something just for the fun of it.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Great Writer
If your writting is not fun for you, maybe you just need a break from it becase your best writting is usually when its provides you fun and some times you just need to take a break. I will say you will be miss but that is the reason a lot of people take vacations for to get that needed rest, and then you'll comeback saying I need to get back to work to get a rest from my vacation! HeeHee! Now get back to writting! Hee Hee! Have Good Day!
I read every word.
You are one of my go to writers. Every time you published I read. I am sorry that things are dragging for you right now, but please do not stop writing. You are a very good writer and have created many wonderful worlds populated by very interesting characters.
I think that if you could team up with some artists you would be well placed to produce graphic novels. Your writing style comes across as very visual and manga or anime like.
Please do not get discouraged and quit, you are to good to do that and it would leave a big hole here in our writing troupe.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
EOF, i have an admission... i write for myself first. If i like something i've written, i'll send it out into the world, to stretch it's wings and soar of plummet to the earth. If you find yourself writing for an audience ffirst and not having fun, it's time for a sabbatical. Your writing should thrill you to your core my friend, not be somthing you have to do... the key is, is it enjoyable? If not, set your quill down untill your muse kicks you in the head with delightful new ideas that are a joy to you.
Huge hugs,
Diana, Moongoddess at large.
The Site Was Down Off and On Yesterday
That likely impacted the response to your most recent story.
Sorry your writing is doing that to ya.
Sorry your writing is doing that to ya man. I haven't really commented the last couple times you posted for that I apologize but I figured you got tried of me saying the same thing over an over again about how great the chap was an etc :P.
Have patience
Currently your first chapter has 445 hits - that's considerably more than the latest chapter of Tell Me Your Secrets, published beforehand, and it's more than quite a lot of the preceeding stories. Just because a story hasn't achieved 1,000 hits and 25 comments in three hours does NOT mean it's not popular. For a start, it's the weekend, and many of the usual readers of your tales might be otherwise occupied with offline activities.
Anyway, if your primary reason for writing is adulation, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Some stories may be easier to write than others - added onto which, with your latest the first chapter's really just setting the scene. There's an expectation things will heat up, but it's early days yet and it's been a while since you wrote Kylie, so it may take a few chapters to fully get into her head again (so to speak).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Just chill
I personally read anything you put out as soon as I see one of your chapters you are one of the three or so authors on this cite that I do that for. Your universe is fun and engaging and so are your stories.
Now to shamelessly try and recruit, maybe try something different and do a Round Robin. I do still need anther author to join me and Loki.
Kinda kidding would love to have you join but you need to first and foremost as the other people said write for you. Do give a care what the peons that are us readers say write to have fun or blow off steam or any reason other then for other people. Personally I write because I get so many ideas stuck in my head that I have to. That and it is fun.
Current lack of Robin :-)
For what it's worth, a lot of the reason there hasn't been a new chapter of Becoming Robin in awhile is because I felt like I was forcing myself to write it. It's not that I love the story any less than before, but I'm running low on inspiration, which makes the story not fun to write at the moment, so I've been working on other projects, both with Ashly and on my own (Demon Sitter was one such project).
Sometimes you just need a break, to write something different until that 'spark' returns. I personally believe that writing what you enjoy writing provides a more entertaining story for the reader, and certainly for myself. I feel more satisfied with a story when it's not just words on a page that I've slapped together.
New Midnight Society didn't go over quite as well as I'd have liked, I LOVED writing it, and I'm extremely pleased with how it turned out because of that. :-)
So, I'd definitely say if you're not enjoying it, don't force yourself to write it. Sometimes inspiration can come at the most unexpected time, from the least likely place. Those are the stories I cherish writing most :-D
Edit to add: Granted, I don't know how professional writers handle burnout, when there's a paycheck on the line. I don't know how JK Rowling wrote so many Harry Potter books without ending the final chapter with impaling Harry's head on a pike :-P But as a freelancer that's what I've found works best for my enjoyment of the art. :-D
I write nearly every day
Sometimes it feels like a chore sometimes it flows like a river in spate, either way I do it because writing is a skill, the more you do the better you should become, or the easier it should be because you're more experienced at doing it.
I remember the artist David Shepherd, he who is famous for his paintings of elephants and steam locomotives, saying in a documentary that he was apprenticed to an artist when he was quite young and he said to his teacher, 'I don't feel in the mood to paint today,' and his teacher sent him back to his easel with a flea in his ear, 'If you want to be a professional artist you get back there and paint whether you feel like it or not.' I apply the same ethos to my writing and perhaps I'm fortunate that I've always been able to fill a page with words which are usually coherent.
But it's up to you, it's your life you're using.
Excuse me?
I look for everything that you write and I enjoy it. I really thought that everyone else liked your stories too.
I'm sorry that you that your stories aren't popular. Considering what you have written, I think that I would be perfectly willing to pay to add your stories to me library if there was no other way to get them.
Please don't stop writing or believe that we don't like your stories.
The votes are in after reading the responces to your post YOU are 1 every good writer and everybody seems to be on the lookout for what ever you put to paper. The next point is the DRU yhat is a great big hit on BCTS. So keep on writing and just know that we may not say it but as Toni the Tigress says you are GREAT
I hope that helps -- HUGS RICHIE2
I personally love your writing
Don't get me wrong, I may not read everything you write, but it's not for lack of style or substance.
Writing is something you do very well, but it is still a skill that needs kept up. Look at me, I don't practice it near enough, and you can tell when you read my stuff.
On the other hand, taking the occasional break is a GOOD thing -- it helps you to focus yourself and get yourself in the right frame of mind for when you take things up again.
I once heard a quote from a piano player, though I can't remember who it was. It went something like, "If I don't practice for one day, nobody notices. If I don't practice for two days, I notice. If I don't practice for three? Everyone notices."
Writing is much the same. So, take a break if you need it. You've definitely earned one. But don't let yourself stop, no matter how tempting it could be, otherwise you'll end up like me.
As for how your stuff appeals? Things around here run in cycles. Comics Retcon, Lesbian Romance, Real-World, Cheerleaders, Dark Realms... it all has its fanbases that will follow it no matter what, but the tide does shift on occasion, no matter what the genre. So, don't worry about appealing to everyone. Just appeal to yourself, and others will follow along happily.
Melanie E.
this is excellent advice
Practice is important. Go write for a different audience for a while. Or in a different genre. You're skilled as a writer, you should keep it up.
not as think as i smart i am
Not sure what to say
I've thought of several things to say but I'm not sure how relevant they are. First, you really know how to tell a story. You're one of the first ones I look to when I'm ready to read. Which sort of brings me to my next point, I've been developing software for 25+ years. For the most part, the day to day stuff, I'm bored with it. No real challenges. I've been making some challenges in my personal time by developing and programming robots. Then I teach my grandkids, the ones who are interested, electronics and software.
Maybe your appetite for writing is taking a break, needs some rest.
Take a break
Anyone who would question your ability to write is a moron. You have excellent prose. That being said, I skip your stuff until it's entirely complete. I just can't read something that is posted over several months. I forget who the characters are, what they're doing, or what the villain is doing. When that happens I have to restart the story from the beginning anyway.
If you feel you are forcing yourself to write then you need to take a break. Forcing yourself to write will just cause you to churn out a product you won't be satisfied with and the audience won't be satisfied with. Seriously, take time off. Eventually your creative muscles will want stretching again and you'll be able to craft something wonderful.
I've taken time off writing before. It can range from a few weeks to a few years. Everyone does it. Some of the best writers on this site disappear for a few years before coming back and posting stuff again. It can really help. I hope you feel better.
Maybe you need a bit of a
Maybe you need a bit of a break to recharge your batteries and to refill your idea vat? That happens to me every once in awhile. I can't write and I must read and watch movies, then I am good again. It could simply be a sign that you need a pause. No worries.
We are the change that will save the world.
Not everyone is fond of all genres
Just saying. I personally am not fond of vampire stories and that's it.
Also, if you feel burnt out for now, I say stop for a while.
I for one always look forward
I for one always look forward to new chapters of your work. You are one of the writers here who I admire a great deal. That being said not everyone has the same tastes or interest in certain genres. When I started posting my chapters here it was because you gave us such a wonderful universe to work in and because it spawned a story I needed to get out and wanted to be shared. Yes the positive comments and the kudos are always nice for me but the story's the thing. Write for yourself first to get out a story you want told and shared. write when you need to get it out there.
If you don't have a story that needs to be told or you're having to work too hard to get it out there don't force it. Take time to recharge your batteries and a story will come that needs to be told and the words will fly onto the page. You're a damn fine writer, but even the best have their moments of doubt and times where it just doesn't come as easy as it usually does. If you need to take some time to find your muse again I will miss reading your work but I also know that I'll look forward to when that muse comes out of hiding and you've got a passion for a story.
I personally found chapter one of To Dance with the Devil to be up to your usual high standard. But we're all our own worst critics, especially when plagued by doubt or frustration.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Oh dear.
Yesterday I read the first chapter of To Dance with the Devil, and I'm still looking forward to the rest of the story. Now, though, you've got me worried that you'll burn out before the story ends. Starting to live up to your pen name, eh? ;)
Seriously, though, take whatever time you think you need, and be assured that I for one will be eagerly waiting for the resulting stories. Also, thank you so much for the stories you've let us read so far!
A reader who doesn't always comment
I have only started reading stories under your name recently. I should have started reading them a long time ago and would have enjoyed your writing for a much longer time. Please continue to write 'cos there are readers out here who do appreciate your work.
I understand from reading other authors' comments that the writing muse can be quite fickle at times and that the writing just doesn't want to work sometimes. Have a rest, allow more mundane life events time to happen and then your muse will return rearing to go.
Robyn B
Robyn B
I read anything that you post.
May Your Light Forever Shine