In response to a recent post by Angharad...

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I read the blog Angharad posted about the doping issue in modern cycling and it is a sad truth to face. However, I did happen upon an article about an elderly cyclist that is putting quite a few of the "current crop" of professional cyclists to shame. The gentleman in question is 100 years old and recently set a 14.4 mile an hour pace over the stretch of 100km (62 or so miles). Admittedly, I don't know much about cycling, but I do know being able to set, and keep, a pace like that isn't anything to sneeze at. Never-mind the fact that he did it at his age.

The article is here.

Just something I thought I'd share in hopes that it might bring a few smiles and maybe some insperation to the cyclists here at Big Closet. :)


What a lovely article, thanks

Angharad's picture

What a lovely article, thanks for sharing it. I think you'll find he kept up the average pace of 14mph for 100K or 62 miles, which at 100 years old is pretty amazing. I'm sad to say, it's probably as fast as I could do it if not better.

I regularly ride with people older than I am and often have difficulties keeping up with them especially on hill climbs - although today I got my own back on two of them, outclimbing them on a local hill - my average speed about 3-4mph, mind you it's a horrible hill about a mile or so long and like many round here get's steeper as it rises.

The first time I got over it, I was 'talked' over it by a friend who was about seventy six or seven then and I've done the same with other riders who have less confidence than I.

It's wonderful to see that people of retirement plus ages are now doing all sorts of things, sports, travel and learning a musical instrument or language - whereas fifty years ago they'd be expected to act elderly and die.

This is the case in the developed nations, we are living longer and staying fitter, especially if we lose weight. Sadly it isn't the case in the third world where achieving adult status is sometimes considered a minor miracle.


Yeah... I only gave the...

Article a glancing over, so my facts there are probably... Let's call them "misguided." lol

I'd love to ride aroudn where I'm at here in the US, but the roads aren't exactly safe enough for my tastes. There's simply no shoulder to ride on, only a ditch (for the most part) that's about one foot (30cm for those of you across the puddle) deep. Add to that a lot of blind corners and hills that I'm not even close to being fit enough to try climbing and things are a bit too sketchy for me, but I do see cyclists out riding them quite often during the warm months.

Peace be with you and Blessed be


Maddy Bell's picture

i reach that age i'd be quite chuffed to do that! At fast approaching half that age i consider every hill climbed, every mile ridden to be a minor miracle. Next year I'm off to tackle a few taxing climbs in Switzerland 'whilst i still can' - maybe i should be less pessimistic!


Madeline Anafrid Bell