Heart attack.

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On August 26, I suffered a heart attack, which I did not recognize as one as it had none of signs. Just a stiffness in the chest which I thought was part of the bronchitis I thought I had. I called the EMT on the 30 because of shortness of breath. I was sitting in the ER waiting to them to discharge me when the doctor came and told me they thought I had a heart attack. The next week they took all kinds of tests, found that the valves were good, most of it was viable the only area was the small area in the middle bottom of the heart which was gone.

The doctors recommended and so I underwent a quintuple bypass. I am still on the mend but thank God I am alive. Just thought I would let you know why you haven't heard from me in a few weeks.


Glad you're getting better Lesley

I've had symptoms in the past and i always get checked... my family has a history... but up till now i've been ok, Knock Wood.

Thanks Ang, a lot of my

Thanks Ang, a lot of my friends all over have been praying and I am positive that is helping. I thank God each and everyday for another chance to live and make good of my life.

Heart attack.

We missed you. Glad you are back

May Your Light Forever Shine

Great that U R OK

It's great that you are OK did they have to do OPEN CHEST? I had a stent put in and that was a little incision in my groin going home the next day.
Glad they found and fixed the main engine

Wow scary. Glad you are doing

Wow scary. Glad you are doing ok.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair