I would like to say my job keeps me from being social... you know, delivering papers all alone at the wee hours of the morning and then sleeping during the day. But, the truth is, I generally don't like people and feel awkward in social situations. This might seem odd to someone who relished the spotlight as a star wrestler and one of the more popular figures in the county (I use to get people coming up to me all the time that I didn't know telling me what a great person I was)> Maybe it's a social disorder that I have, or my New York Cynicism, or my basic distrust of humanity, but in social situations that involve crowds larger than 3 people I usually want to run home.
Anyway. Tonight I went to a TG Artshow for a whole hour. Which for me is pretty good. I looked at interesting art, but couldn't buy anything, listened to a comedian, and talked to one of the girls from the support group I went to two months ago (thank God she was there or I probably would've lasted only 10 minutes). I was also introduced to a new person and talked banking. Hopefully I can be more comfortable in the future. In 2 weeks I will go to another support group I was invited to that is actually closer to home and maybe make a few friends. I can't be a hermit forever but old habits die hard. Just an update for ya'll (i'm in the south).
I'm glad.
That you're trying to open up more Katie, it takes a lot of courage to do something like that from our position.
I've spent most of my life running and hiding from social situations as well, now, I'm making a bit more of an effort at catching up on all the things I used to hide from. I too still have a long way to go.
Earlier today I emailed the TransOhio organization for more info about stuff in Toledo, they only seem to have a meeting the last week of each month from Feb to August though... I'm not entirely sure I want to actually attend any of the meetings... I'm a bit nervous and don't really know what I'll find there. Will there be people I can relate to? Or will they all be in too different of situations for me to get anything from the meeting? What honestly scares me most is the thought that I might be the youngest girl there. I don't know why, but the thought of spending time around a bunch of older transitioners makes me nervous. It's one thing to do it with the internet wall between, but, in person...
Well, I guess we'll see at the end of next month, I already missed this months meeting. Knowing me, if I decide to go, it'll probably be last minute, and I'll be all like, OMG, and what should I wear?! LOL
Abigail Drew.