First, I want to thank all the people who have inquired and given me wishes for recovery.
Things are still not 100%, but A LOT BETTER!
When I was released a week ago, I still had a drain in my back to drain the abscess n my liver, and expected to have it 2 more weeks.
It worked 2 days, then on Friday it quit working right. Of course that meant waiting till after the weekend, and actually, one more day, till today.
There were a few other little problems that cropped up and had to wait, too.
When I went into see about the drain today, I was told they might be able to reseat it, or might have to install a larger one, or ... might take it out. To make it short, they took it out!
I'm still taking my antibiotic for a few more days, but I think my regular doctor has worked out what to do on the other stuff, so at the moment, I'm not even scheduled to go back till March 14th for any doctors.
I'm getting my strength back. I walked further in the hospital today than I've walked for any few consecutive days for weeks. ( I still had shalimar push me the length of the hospital between the procedure and the doctor, as I did not want to push) myself too much, but then walked out to the car after the visit.
So, things are looking up, way up.
Thanks again to all my well wishers;
Glad yo're feeling a little beter
Glad your doing a little better
You're doing great
Keep it up! You're in my prayers every night!
Keep Your Chin Up
I know you've had a rough go of it, and I certainly understand what you're going through. Getting out of the hospital is an important step as you are well aware. It's been a little over three years since my battle with cancer and having three surgeries in one week. I feel a bit better every day. I hope you do the same. Get a bit better every day.
Great News
I am glad to hear it. Keep it up and don't push yourself too much too soon. We want a speedy recovery.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
An Update on my recovery.
Knoiw how you feel! Have had three surgeries and hated the recovery more than the surgery.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Earlier blogs
Ouch! You take care or yourself. I know we don't know each other well, but I'm hoping that will change.
Get Well Soon!
It sounds like you're on the right track. Keep going!
I've been bad about keeping in touch but I hear things about you. People talk. And now I see your blog entry. I'm here!
Take care and please oh please oh please get well soon. Okay?
- Terry
Glad to hear it.
As you before I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a delightfully devious day,
still praying
Holy, I am still praying for you as always and hope you will recover soon.
all my love and hugs Roo:)
Get well soon
I am happy to see that you are improving. In another week or so you should be mowing the grass right?
Much peace
Gwen, of all people, you shoud know better.
YOU have seen the yard here in Indianapolis.
Besides, it is too early, we're still getting night time temps below 20F/-5C, so the grass is not growing yet.
The other day, a sales person from one of the big lawn care companies came out and took a look. He estimated over $6-10,000.00 to fix the lawn, a bill which included removing all of the trees in the yard, as their roots are at or above the surface. He can't just add a lot of topsoil, as the house is on a slab, and the soil must be 6 inches below the bottom of the 8 inch slab. I''m not use it meets it all around as it is.
At least, I'm renting, so it is not my worry.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Holly, you know you're always in my prayers,
and I always keep a good thought for you and Shelley as well. I'm pleased that your recovery from this latest hurdle seems to be going well. We've been online friends for a long time, and that friendship only escalated at the SCC Conference in 2009.
You're a fighter, we all know that. Hang in there, Holly and keep on swinging.
Proud to be your friend,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Good to hear...
that things are going better.
My sister told me that the weather was so warm during the Super Bowl week that spring flowers were starting to show in Indianapolis. At least in Irvington. Then, as you said, the cold came back. But the football fans were fooled into believing that Indy is a nice place in the winter. If they only knew!
Stay warm and heal quickly!