A few things...

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A bit of an update on me. I am working 2 jobs now -- both part time.

One of them is a blah-boring-market research firm. Would you like to take a survey?

The other... is the now-famous for its slogan, "Eat Fresh!" and the spokesman that is half the man he used to be, Jared... Subway!

I highly endorse Subway not only as an eatery that is a healthier alternative if you MUST have fast food... but as an employee that can confirm they are trans-friendly! Yay! My manager pulled me aside on my second day to ask if she was right about her suspicions, and told me that I was not just okay to be myself, but that if anyone -- employee or customer -- had an issue, she would set them straight!

Of course, this may just be the local area, but there are 11 Subway in this town, and all of them are stating the same policy. I'm also not the only transperson working in the Subway restaurants in the area. There's also an early-20s transman.

Other things... well... not important right now. I have a long day tomorrow, so g'night!


Thanks for the note

It's nice to hear from you, and great to hear that those Subways are doing what everyone should.

Hugs and good wishes,


Eat Fresh?

Extravagance's picture

Nice to know they THINK fresh too! ^_^

- - -

BCTS's resident Extravagant Honorable Trans-Cat-MegaTomboy! ;D ...But I do like cuddles from soft but strong arms... ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG


It's nice to hear about a happy story like that when all that seems to be on the news is voilence and bad stuff.


Peace be with you and Blessed be

Peace be with you and Blessed be

It could be worse

They could be black and white.

I got a laugh out of the "Judy Judy Judy" store.