Well, last night at work I started working on a letter to my ex. Not to send, since she doesnt read well, but as a way to collect my thoughts. I've been getting a little nudge from my conscience about coming clean, and I think it might be time. Only problem is, I have NO idea what I can say to her that she would be able to hear. If I do this wrong, I could wreck my relationship with not only her but my daughter as well. Pray for me, if you would.
I certainly will pray....
...and of course you have a host of friends and family here that will be with you in thought and prayer. But unless you're ready to extend your real life test until your daughter is of age, it's still something you're faced with, yes? I don't recall how old your daughter is, but I'm sure she's no where near emancipation. And writing will not only help you clarify your thoughts, but it might strengthen your resolve to be yourself when the time does come to tell your ex and your daughter about Dorothy. My heart with yours, always.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
You are in my thoughts
I wish you all the best. Don't be pessimistic; she may be more accepting than you think.
letter to Dot's ex...
I do that sometimes too, write something out to someone, even though I have no intention of sending it, just to clarify my own thoughts. Depending how well you know her personality, that may help you work out the optimal way to tell her without triggering a defensive or hostile response in her, or whatever else you're afraid of her reacting like.
Good luck, hon. My prayers and best wishes for when you do tell her. *hugs*
Lisa Danielle
Cliff and Lisa
Both give you good advice... I'd add, "believe in yourself" - and "Be true to yourself". Don't whatever hurt their feelings, but do guard your own. Good luck. Ginger x