I always suspected it, but it's official now: I LIVE A SOAP OPERA.... Guiding Light, One Life to Live, As the World Turns... they can't come up with shit this good. Here's an update
Mother calls Uncle Sal to put some pressure on me to pay her the mysterious 12k.
Then I find out some truths:
Truth 1: Though my mother said the family plot in new york is full, there are actually 5 spaces available.
Truth 2: My mother also said my Uncle has control of the plot and won't let my aunt be buried there. In fact, my uncle insisted on my aunt being buried there but my mother didn't want to spend the money.
Truth 3: My mother claims the burial plot in South Carolina cost 6000 dollars. Truth, plot cost 2200
Truth 4: My mother now has a lawyer and she is going after me.
Truth 5: I was contemplating giving my mother half the cost of the funeral, because I thought that it would be right. Now I think she can kiss my hairy white ass and after she is done I'll use the 6k I was going to give her for electrolysis to make that hairy ass baby smooth.
Like I said, I can't make this shit up and I think I'm quite imaginative.
this begs the question
what does she think you owe her 12k for? Thats alot of money.
the entire cost of my aunt's
the entire cost of my aunt's funeral
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Why would you be responsible for the cost of you aunt's funeral?
good question
I think it comes down to the fact that my aunt left me about 70k once everything settles, plus there is more money out there.
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
against the estate have to resolve before the will can be probated. Life insurance paid to an individual isn't part of the estate. Bank accounts and real property are used to pay off the deceased's debt before any individual receives a share of the estate. Final expenses come out of the estate before probate unless someone else assumes them. At least this is to the best of my knowledge. Contact a lawyer.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Okay that sucks, of course I have no idea why you would be responsible for your aunts funeral cost. I wont ask.
"Tommorow on days of Katies life....
Funeral Cost
Dear L.K.
I know you loved your aunt, so the following is not on the emotional attachment you have for her, or a moral/out of love feeling, but more practical/legal.
A funeral/burial/purchase of a plot can easily reach $12,000.00
Generally, unless they occur at the same funeral home/cemetary or the both are co-owned, a funeral, and a cemetary plot are separate items.
Who paid for the funeral? If your mom did, why? Was you Aunt married? Did she have children? If so, why did the husband or children not pay for these items? Who signed the contracts with the Funeral Home? with the Cemetary? Did you sign either? Did you give anything in writing, even a scribled hand written note, to your mom telling her that you would pay for a portion/half/a stated amount to the cost of the funeral/plot/burial?
From you blog, I guess the aunt was buried in a plot bought just just for the occassion and not in a family plot.
As to who owns the "family" plot and the right to be buried there depends on each state's law. In most states, a plot or a grave is similar to a piece of real property, and a legal document is drawn up with the cemetary, giving ownership to the purchaser. That purchaser owna the plot and whatever graves are in the plot. The ownership stays with the buyer and if there are empty plots leftover after the owner dies, they pass by will or similar document.
In my family, my uncle bought a 12 grave plot. When he died, title passed to his wife. When she died, it passed to my uncle's two sons. While it never happened, (at least while I was in contact with them) those cousins could have prevented any other fmil members from being buried there.
So, forgetting emotions, all of the questions and issues are of a legal nature. Unless you signed something with your mom, (or depending on the state she has witnesses who can testify to a conversation) promising to pay for part of the funeral, you are off the hook.
Use the money as you deem best. From your previous posts, I think your aunt would want it for your electrolysis.
what happened to All my CHildren and General hospital in you list of Soap Operas. You do not like Erica Kane or Luke and Luara ;-)?
When my Father died.
It sounds like your Mother is a piece of work.
I met my real father twice, and it healed a lot of emotional wounds. Still, he left after two weeks and I never saw him alive until I flew down to Shawnee, OK to see him at the hospital as he died from Cancer.
On that visit, his relatives treated me really shabbily, not even allowing me into their house when I came there to find my father.
So, a few weeks later, he died, but they would not tell me when or where he was buried.
Then, I got a letter from them, telling me I should pay for the funeral. My older brother handled it for me; telling them that they could rightly go to hell, and that we would send them $500.
So, relatives can be pure asses, like no one we know, and they seem to think they are entitled to do so.
Much peace
You're nicer than I am. I
You're nicer than I am. I would have sent them a cheque for one cent.
When someone dies
the vultures gather. Don't let them treat you like roadkill, because they will given half a chance.
Mom's truth avoidance
If you can get any documentary evidence (copies of receipts, signed statements etc.) of the reality behind mum's claims, do so. That way, when her lawyer turns up, you can prove she's no case to answer.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!