Just to let everyone know how well things are going at BCTS, we have been averaging over 100 new stories and chapters a week for several weeks.
We're also getting about 18,000 visitors a day and nearly 50,000 page hits each day. And the new server hasn't had to be rebooted in more than three weeks. :) I don't even KNOW how many comments we're getting a day but it's more than 100, just on stories, and about the same on blogs.
Thanks to everyone who helps make BCTS a very special place on the interwebs. :)
Just to let everyone know
Great to hear
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank you
I needed a place to waffle on interminably...
Seriously, this place has helped me to externalise some nasty issues, so, yes, thank YOU.
Homer Simpson Says
MMmmm Waffles
K.T. Leone
You know you;re out of shape when you get winded taking a pee and you pee sitting down
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
It's a group effort.
You and your elves keep the place running, while the rest of us provide the content (No stories from me personally yet, but you never know!). Together, we allow for a good time to be had by all (Except the spammers and meanies)! ^_^
- - -
Vampire Catgirl. I love huggles, and drinking blood out of a saucer on the floor! ^_^
Just to let everyone know
A special thanks to you for allowing us to share in BCTS and find a place however briefly each day that allows our true self to read and play.Thank you.
every morning
Erin ,before i discovered BCTS i would get up to boring chores around the house and yard ; now however i boot up old faithfull and get in two hours of satisfied pleasure reading my favorite tg stories ,work can wait.:)
Hugs Roo
And thank you so much Erin
I would not have the foggiest idea how to put all this together and make it run. It has been a marvelous cathartic for myself and many others.
Much peace
Erin thanking us???
"Hello everyone."
A murmur of greetings echoes back from the assembled group. As the sound dies to a thick hush, the girl at the lectern takes a deep, cathartic breath.
"My name is Lora and..."
Her chin begins to tremble; it's obvious to everyone in the room that she is struggling to maintain her composure. She gathers the willpower to raise her dewy eyes from a point on the floor and look back at the faces in front of her. A sea of patient understanding greets her. At one point, each of them had stood where she found herself now. She realized that the hard part was over; that with a single sentence, the healing could begin.
Calm acceptance flooded her, washing away the nervous tension. She stood up straight, pulled her shoulders back and smiled as a tear crept down her cheek.
"Hello. My name is Lora, and I am a BCTS-aholic."
Polite, scattered applause answered her, but it was only window dressing. The relief that came from knowing she had found kindred souls was the true reward.
Erin, anyone who thinks that they deserve thanks from you is out of their mind. We come here, play for a while and then go home. You stay, clean up the mess we made and then get ready to do it all again tomorrow.
There ought to be a big button at the top of every page labelled SEND A THANK YOU TO ERIN. We would wear it out in a week.
Congratulations, Erin
I'm so pleased that this site continues to set the standard for TG fiction and behaviour as a community of friends.
It's also nice to see I'm not being accused of writing half of the stuff.