I wonder if I am on real drugs

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I wonder if I am on a placebo. I mean, I am supposed to be on a Diuretic, but I don't even pee all that much more than I did before. That would suck ....


Is there such a thing as a

Is there such a thing as a anti-placebo effect?

You might be ressistant or something. If it doesn't work at all, I'd go and bother the doctor again.


Penny Lane's picture

There was an episode of 'Bang goes the theory' on UK TV this week where they discussed that very effect.

It's called the Nocebo effect.

The experiment involved giving volunteers electric shocks of varying degrees of pain, on the forearm. The experimenter told them what to expect. Then he told them that the shock was going to be greater, but actually kept the voltage the same, and the victim, uh, volunteer, perceived greater pain, even though the voltage was no greater! The Nocebo effect.

In other words, I think, the treatment does what the doctor tells you it does, whether it actually does that or not. Does that make sense?



Just because you are on a Diuretic does not mean that you should not drink water. Check with your Doctor.


Do you drink

Do you drink any more (or less) than you did before?

Just because you're on a diuretic you may not change your urinary pattern. Depends on the strength of the dose and which one. You can look up (on the internet) what the drug your doc has you on. It will be listed on the medicine bottle your pharmacist gave you.

That will tell you if it's a real drug (and what kind) or not. If it turns out to NOT be the diuretic your doc prescribed, laws were broken. If it turns out that the doc told you one thing, and wrote the script for something else, that's generally considered unethical behavior... And, he could be liable for a malpractice suit!

So, in all likelihood, it IS the diuretic (but you can check).

Anne (who at two different times did a LOT of internet research into diuretics)


It is illegal to give placebos. Except in blind studies were the forms you sign spell out that some will get placebos
