On the one hand, it's a 16 GB USB flash drive.
On the other, it can also be used in a completely different 'port'.
I'm not entirely sure who'd want to pay $140 for this, and would you really want to use it for one purpose after using it for the other purpose?
Needless to say, there's plenty of joking in the "Best Rated" comments.
Read more to find out what I'm wittering on about: Here's the article (in the Daily Wail, of all places!)
I suppose there really is no limit to the daft ideas some people can come up with and market...
It is fortunate
that it has a built-in battery. Otherwise, one would have to ride one's computer if one saw something particularly arousing online. On the other hand though, those especially wobbly CD drives might produce a similar effect if sat on just right...
I think this gives a whole new meaning to "hard drive", "shockwave player", ...Come on you computer-literate girls, help me out here!
One thing's for certain though. If we can R.A.M. one of these into our lower port, we'll never accept a 3 1/2 inch floppy again! ^_^
And why not? - Women should enjoy electronics more.
Hi Ben,
I think peripherals that are aimed at the female market are a great idea. My only concerns are; Is four hours long enough? Will the girls all HAVE to sing Barbara Streisand songs? Do they make a misty, water coloured model?
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.