I wanted to try and guage the potential reaction before I actually write and post it here when complete. I was thinking back on some of the stories I have read through the years and there is one that sticks out with me. It's called "King of Bandits: Jing" by Yuichi Kumakura. it is somewhat old-ish, with the first printings on the first series being sone in the late 1990's and early 2000's, with twilight Tales (the second of two series) being completed by the mid-2000's.
The series follows the adventures (and sometime MISadventures) of Jink and his faithful friend and compainion Kir, who is an albatros. Jing, in the context of the story, is decended from a long line of "bandit royalty", of which he is the last. If any of you have spent any time on tvtroupes.com, then I will say that the troupes: Leaning on the Fourth Wall, Genre Savvy, Rool of Cool, and Refuge in Audacity and invoked often. And it is usually done for humor.
Each volume is labled as a "shot" (example: Shot One, Shot Two, ect. Referencing a shot of liquor, although there is not alcohol comsumtion in either series, that I can recall at least.) and the Jing Girls (similar to the legendary "Bond Girls" in they're function in the story in that they serve as potential love interests for both Jing and for Kir, but never in the bedroom.) are almost exclusivly named after alcoholic drinks of some sort or another. There are a few recurring details that appear in the backgrounds, most of them are quite funny (in my opinion, at least.), and every volume in the two series (the original and "Twilight Tales") start with a small lymric on the front and back of the very first page that reads as such:
All that glitters, even the stars...
All things precious, even your life...
The King of Bandits can steal it all
in the blink of an eye.
Now then, the poll concerns two things:
1: How many of you here have heard of this series?
2: Would you lilke to see a TG take on this?
I have the skeleton of an outline done for a story along these lines, but I would like to try and guage how well it would be recieve and if anyone would actually be familiar with the events I would likely be referencing within the story.
Input would be greatly appreciated and if anyone has questions about King of Bandits: Jing, I would be happy to answer them as best I can.
never heard of it.
Might go read it now, though.
As for your own take on it, I say go for it if that's what has your imagination right now. Even if I don't go read the stories you intend referencing, the premise sounds interesting enough that I think I might enjoy it anyways.
It's been a while since we've had a TG thievery story that wasn't comic based.
(To Catch a Thief, currently ongoing, doesn't, imo, count, since the character reforms her ways quite quickly and it's really not about thievery at all.)
Abigail Drew.
That,s what I was thinking...
...As I was rereading the mangas. I know that the origiona; series was turned into an animated series, but I don't recall if Twilight tales was given that treatment or not. Imo, it is an interesting series, which is why I still like it after following it almost from day one. lol. Add in the fact that the main character, Jing, is a rather snarky guy, and it make for even more funnies.
There is no knowledge that is not power.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
King of Bandits
I've never heard of it, but it sounds like the sort of thing I'd enjoy. I'll keep my eyes peeled...
Sure, I'd probably be interested in a TG version of it.
1. Never have heard of it,
1. Never have heard of it, but then I am not a fan of anime. And this does sound like at typical anime style story. Talking Albatross or maybe a TG albatross? Maybe a few transvestite Panda's too?
2. Since I am not a fan of anime, I would not be likely to find a story based on that style mythos very interesting. All those stories seem to have a shared mythos I did not grow up with like you younger types did (I'm one of the elder generation and the cartoons I grew up with were Looney Toons shorts rather than stories, etc. though I did watch some Scooby Doo with my nephew), and I have not been interested in learning it since there are lots of other things to read.
That's not to say that your story would not find an appreciative audience here, just that if I look at it, I would be unlikely to finish it. I do encourage you to write it and publish it if you have the idea. After all, no one will ever read it and you will not know if it strikes a chord in readers if you leave it all up in your head.
(1) Nope, (2) Yep.
My knowledge of this series is nil, and of manga / anime in general you could probably fit on a couple of postcards. However, I am vaguely familiar with Tenchi Muyo! (via Whateley, of course), Sailor Moon, Haruhi Suzumiya (sadly, via Carameldansen), and if I ever get around to reading Heather's "The Journey Is The Destination" no doubt I'll read up on Ranma ½.
But it sounds like an interesting and enjoyable series - it'll be interesting to read a TG take on it...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Ranma is in itself kind of TG...
The main character of that manga and its anime adaptation (manga == better) would turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, boy when splashed with hot water. Much time in the series is spent mocking gender norms. Even more of it is spent by various suitors to Ranma's male and female forms trying to force him (he insists on this quite vociferously) to marry them.
It's really a very hilarious series, with a fair bit of nifty action scenes and some gut-wrenching, and also some heart-warming.
I do recommend you give it a try, if you read no other manga in your entire life.
EDIT: Though you do need to take it with a very very big grain of salt. The entire premise is unrealistic, so everything else is also waaay out there.
Abigail Drew.
Is > mid-2000's. <
like 2500 or just 2050?
Nope and yep.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
The mid 2000's...
...Was refering to the release date for the mangas. Both of the series are already published (Through TokyoPop, I think.) and that is what I was refering to. I appologise if I confused anyone with that *sheepish*
I do believe that I'll have to chalk this one up to do in the future. For anyone who would care to know, I'm currently writing the sequel to my Whateley fanfic "Enigma" and waiting for real life to give Salirsa enough of a break to go over a story I wrote for her Confederation Universe. I'll probably start this story once the new Enigma story is in editing.
There is no knowledge that is not power.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
What does the story say?
Yes, even in its inchoate form the story will tell you. If it needs to be written, if there's five people who will dig it, then in my opinion it's worth it, whatever the marketplace says. Especially if you're bringing something new to the story's universe. My quasi-HUDSUCKER PROXY tribute was like that. And my MINERVA MINK and MR. NATURAL fanfics are both demanding to be born, even though there's few here who know or would give a damn about either. The subversive slant I'm giving both these characters' worlds will make me + a few others happy. Now if only my muse will cooperate...
~~hugs, Veronica
(No, never heard of him, sounds like an interesting rascal of a character; so I'll probably give your tale a try; especially if it's written in a way that makes the unfamiliar story universe simple to understand, not depending on prior knowledge...)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,