
I have several things creating a great deal of frustration with me right now and the frustration is effecting everything else. This is annoying and I am trying to get past this.

One is the fact that Whedonfest is almost here. That naturally takes the lion's share of my time and thus no writing. Thankfully it will be over this weekend, but it has been a lot of work to put this thing on and that has made life extra crazy. I have been running around for the last several weeks trying to do all sorts of last minute stuff to make sure the event is as EPIC as humanly possible. I have also been making sure that my handouts for Chinese are ready and I still have to make my handouts for the fanarts class. Bleargh... And shopping and packing and other crap. Whee!! I just want tomorrow to be here so I don't have to stress over this any more. That will provide some welcome relief.

Then there is the fact that I still have a very twitchy left shoulder that spasms as it wills. That makes writing tricky as it throws off my typing and slows me down a great deal. Add that to my bad right wrist and shoulder and my arms are problematic. I know people mentioned voice writing software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, but that program never worked quite write, as apparently I use too many words that make the system twitchy, especially in my fiction. That makes me too crazy to see the system screw up what I consider 'easy' words, despite the fact that I know that the lexicon is not equipped for foreign language words for the most part. But still I try to write, as is evidenced by this blog entry. It just takes longer than I want it to. That is very, very frustrating.

Add to that the fact that I seem to be in a depressive down turn which causes my ideas to dry up and we are looking at a dry spell that is going on longer than I want. Not writing is making me a bit crazy. I write to keep my sanity as it is sort of like a relief value. When the pressure gets too high, the writing lets me download some of my crazy and helps calm things down. If I can stay ahead of the curve it is good. When I can't that is when I start getting more migraines, more stress, more crazy and more random in everyday speech. This is not a good thing. So because I write to stay sane, these times when things dry up and I have nothing but occasional bursts is distressing. Which of course adds to my overall sense of frustration.

Granted, there are other sources, such as lack of job or me not getting into school yet or things like that, where I would be able to increase our families income but those three are the biggest sources of Frustration. I would scream but it would hurt my throat and disturb my sleeping wife. Some days it feels like you just can't win.

Any way, here is hoping that with the ending of this years Whedonfest and the possibility that I can start school at the end of the month that my stress levels will drop and I can get back to writing. I need to finish 300 Rains, as that is hanging over me. I have a few more chapters to go on The Journey is the Destination and another fanfic. Then there is the first draft being done on the Tegan story, which is turning out to be better than I had hoped, so I want to get back to taking care of those things.

Thanks for listening.

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