I've been having increasing head aches for the last several months. They began when I was about 20 and were only about twice a year, now I have them about once a month. When they started, they would give me a shot of Novocane at the base of my skull. Leave it to Doctors to eschew the simple solution and now I use Vicoden to knock them down. The problem is that Vicoden is of lessening effecacy, so they finally decided to um take a look.
So now, they are gonna do an MRI of my brain, and I am a little nervous. I have always had a strange memory fault but been able to make a work around for it. I have done very well in life, and been very successful so it was not disabling as long as one excludes the resergeance of my GID. Actually, finally addressing all that is one of my successes, in spite of the fact that some around me were asses.
If there was a brain injury, it likely came from my diving practice out a third story window and hitting a water faucet when I was still in diapers. There is suitable external scaring to indicate it. It is also known that I fell out of a car on the highway shortly after that.
So, now if some of you who have always thought one of my oars was shorter than the other, here is the best chance to prove it. I've had a good run at life and am quite happy, so if this comes out badly, I just want the chance to say that I've had a great little run at it.
I am sure that I am probably concerned about nothing, and it will all be fine. If there are those given to prayer, could you posibly spare me one? Any God will do; God, G_d or Allah SWT are all on the same phone line.
Much peace
My prayers
...all the testing we go through can be awfully daunting, and it's so hard not to feel overwhelmed. You already know how much folks here care for you, and I hope that and your faith will carry you through this time. Much love to you, dear heart.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Hand Holding
We will all be holding your hand as you go for your MRI it's great what we can do in the virtual wprld of cyber space .We will all be there GOOD LUCK and may GOD BE WITH YOU HUGS&KISSES RICHIE2
It is booring and noicy to have this done
But else it is not that uncomfortable. The only problem I had was to keep my head in one position for so long time. DO test to find a way to hold your head stable for a long time before they start anything. I needed this to check up on my ear and hearing problems.
Good luck
Of course you I'll keep you in prayer. I wanted to reassure you about the MRI. It's not a pleasant time, it's loud, it's noisy, and if you're claustrophobic, you might want the doctor to prescribe something to keep you calm.
Apart from that, it's lots of fun!! LOL
In all seriousness, it is the best way to look at what's inside your head. I first encountered the MRI in 1986 when the doctors did an MRI of my newborn son's head. I still have the images and the detail is absolutely incredible. For him it may have meant the difference between being an honor student and being retarded (a looong story, I'll tell you about it sometime).
It's better to know than to be ignorant.
Blessings to you,
praying for you hon
Sending out a prayer that everything turns out all right.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
What's the worst that could happen?
Probably would be the old joke about having an MRI of the head and finding nothing...
(delayed rim shot)
Seriously, as long as you're not too claustrophobic, you'll be fine. If your procedure is anything like the MRI I had of my spine a number of years ago, you sit on a sliding tray inside a big pipe that bangs at sometimes regular intervals. I had some plastic tubes for earphones where they played cheesy music. Other than the unusual location, it's mostly pretty boring.
Prayers for patience, calm, and healing.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
I'm actually quite boring.
I've had MRI's before on my pelvis and knees, and am not claustropobic at all. I keep trying to convince myself that I am not a little nervous, but ...
Migraine Drugs
My wife gets spectacularly crippling migraine headaches, or at least she used to before she found a drug to help out. Now, they're a mere minor inconvenience.
IF your headache is a migraine, you should leave the vicodin alone and try something specific for migraines. The one my wife found useful (for her headaches, yours may respond better to something else) is Maxalt-MLT, which is a wafer that dissolves under the tongue. What used to be a two-day headache (and sometimes a back-to-back four-day headache fest) can now be knocked down with one tablet for 8 to 12 hours, and maybe one more after that before it runs its course. She also fills in with plain old aspirin for the periods when it's not that bad. The down side? If you don't have drug coverage on your insurance, they're pretty bloody expensive, something like $15 a pop. Oh, and a long list of side-effects, none of which has really affected my wife and she's been using the stuff several years now, but she is careful to use very sparingly.
The other thing with migraines is that there's often an external trigger, like something specific you eat or drink, or getting overtired. These can be things like cheese or chocolate or alcohol or a food colorant. If you can figure out what your triggers are, avoiding them would help.
The key here is a diagnosis of migraine. If your diagnosis is something else, ignore this message.