Good News and Bad News

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The good news is that after 19 months of unemployment I finally got a job. Just in time for Christmas, too. It's a research lab doing some very interesting work and my co-workers seem to be a great bunch of people. The pay is even almost the same as the last good job I had. Another plus is that bluejeans are the shop uniform. Not as good as dressing up but a lot better than many places I've worked.

The bad news is that I have had to give up my mornings reading the stories here at BC. Oh well, only 4 more years until I retire and can take up my reading habit again.



read after work!

thats the solution, giggle. just don't disappear, okay?

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"




Ah...erm, is that retire at 62 or 66 or some age in between? If nothing happens to any of the pension or retirement things in place at the moment, I am hoping to retire March of 2012 at age 62. That being said, just leave it to the politicians to mess up that idea and I'll have to work until 66 just to make ends meet in the mean time. Wife's medical bills would drive us into bankruptcy very quickly if not for good medical insurance. **sigh** Such is life!