Capitalization and Titles

Properly capitalization in the title box really isn't that hard. In most browsers, if you just start typing the new title, it will fill in the most recent one, then you backspace over the number and retype that and the title is correct. But there have been a lot of misspelled, misspaced and miscapitalized titles lately. They look bad on the story and they look bad on the site. Sometimes titles are in ALL CAPS and if they are more than one short word long, I feel that should be fixed, too.

How should I deal with this:

1) Send and email/PM to the author that they should fix the title? They should be able to see that it needs fixing so having to send a message leaves me in a quandary, it really feels like I'm insulting the author to tell them to fix their title.

2) Fix it myself? Now, that's annoying. It's wasted time since it could have been done by the author to begin with or fixed by the author once it appeared on the front page in the obvious problem configuration. I do a lot of this with the HTML inside the story since I know that not everybody understands webcode but nearly everyone understands title capitalization.

3) Remove the story from the front page? Seems extreme but it surely is the least work for me. Not unpub the story but leave front page space for stories that do not have to be repaired in such a simple if annoying way.

What does everyone else thing?


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