I posted Surprise! over at Sapphire's Place, not realizing that somehow I had crossed a line I didn't know was there. While replying to a comment left by someone else, I said something about Jezzi that was not true. I thought I understood something about the nature of some of her stories, but I was very much mistaken. Jezzi, I am very, very, very sorry.
You are right, and I am wrong, and that's all there is to it. I didn't mean to attack you personally. I have read a lot of your stories, and I realize now that what I said was totally uncalled for. You are a talented writer, and I respect you and your work, but I managed to make you angry with me anyway. I've also managed to make others on BigCloset angry enough to hate me -- and it's obviously my fault. There's one person in particular I'd apologize to, but I'm so good at saying just the wrong thing every time I write to her, I'm afraid I'll probably just make things between us even worse, if that's possible.
So it's probably better for me and everyone concerned if I just shut up and crawl into a virtual hole -- or at least get off my soapbox.
I've already posted an apology at Sapphire's Place above your reply to my comment. I will also ask Sapphire to remove the story from her site, but wait a week before taking it down so people can see my apology. In addition, I plan to stop writing anything obviously based on anyone else's work, with the exception of Robin Goodgirl -- I have been given permission to have Stark try and save Robin, and that's what i plan to do.
I'm very sorry, Jezzi, and I ask for your forgiveness. I'm not arrogant, really. Just passionate and overly emotional, and stupid enough to think my opinion matters.
Please forgive me.
Your opinion does matter Randalynn...
We do not hate you Randalynn, we might dislike what you did and the way you posted those comments, but we don't hate you. Please understand, I for one will welcome your emails and private messages. I hold no hatred or dislike for you as a person. I hope you take this comment as I have intended it.
Huggles Randalynn
Be yourself, so easy to say, so hard to live.
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, Angel ...
... I just thought I understood something I didn't, and said something I shouldn't have. But the fact that my words did hurt Jezzi hurt me as well, so I had to apologize for hurting her.
I hope she didn't think it was a "hurtful character assassination" and it was certainly never intended as any kind of a personal attack. But it was wrong, and I was stupid, so you can be sure I'll be a hell of alot quieter around here from now on.
Mom It isnt Necessary to Quit Writing
I read your apology on Sapphire's. I will talk personally with you later, but You do not need to Quit writing because of a mistake. I stuck my foot in my mouth to! Did so with Angel O' Hare's stories as I did not understand her then. I do now and I do like her stories. If there is disagreement over some slight differences, agree to disagree, but both yourself and Jezzi should just let go of the disagreements in side, hug each other, and cooperate. Life is to short to hold grudges. We have a lot to learn from one another and there is more than enough room for everyone to co exist here at Big Closet.
I would like to see both you and Jezzi friends by tonight. I need friends to. If there is anything i can personally do to help resolve this, please, mom, you or Jezzi singly or both private message me. I love both of you!
This can so simply be resolved and all of us can be happy. I need a family, please! Jezzi, this goes for you as well, you are my Big Closet Sister and I do love you.
Sephrena Miller
Not going to quit writing, Sephy
Writing is my life, and i'd sooner step in front of a bus than stop being a writer. But I will do my best to be quieter comment-wise, and to avoid saying or doing anything that will hurt anyone. I seem to manage the hurting part quite well by accident, so the fewer sage words of pseudo-wisdom I let slip in comments, the better it will be for everyone concerned.
Don't worry, hon. I'm not going anywhere. *smile* Just learning.
Hugs and so forth
Personally, I've talked or written to everybody above, and have found all of you to be very nice, passionate people. We, as humans, all make judgments, and some of us write them down, and language is a tricky thing, and so forth, and so on, blah, blah, blah...
XXX :)
"I love you all!"
Michael Jackson
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
Sometimes we all need to be reminded...
Personal taste is not a moral imperative. We've probably all been guilty of that one at one time or another.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.