A Public Apology to Jezzi
I posted Surprise! over at Sapphire's Place, not realizing that somehow I had crossed a line I didn't know was there. While replying to a comment left by someone else, I said something about Jezzi that was not true. I thought I understood something about the nature of some of her stories, but I was very much mistaken. Jezzi, I am very, very, very sorry.
You are right, and I am wrong, and that's all there is to it. I didn't mean to attack you personally. I have read a lot of your stories, and I realize now that what I said was totally uncalled for. You are a talented writer, and I respect you and your work, but I managed to make you angry with me anyway. I've also managed to make others on BigCloset angry enough to hate me -- and it's obviously my fault. There's one person in particular I'd apologize to, but I'm so good at saying just the wrong thing every time I write to her, I'm afraid I'll probably just make things between us even worse, if that's possible.
So it's probably better for me and everyone concerned if I just shut up and crawl into a virtual hole -- or at least get off my soapbox.
I've already posted an apology at Sapphire's Place above your reply to my comment. I will also ask Sapphire to remove the story from her site, but wait a week before taking it down so people can see my apology. In addition, I plan to stop writing anything obviously based on anyone else's work, with the exception of Robin Goodgirl -- I have been given permission to have Stark try and save Robin, and that's what i plan to do.
I'm very sorry, Jezzi, and I ask for your forgiveness. I'm not arrogant, really. Just passionate and overly emotional, and stupid enough to think my opinion matters.
Please forgive me.