I've got some software setup on the new server to help create a community of authors and readers. Each member would have their own homepage, free, with quite a bit of control of how it looks, who can add to it and what appears there. I'd like to test this out before opening it up to everyone so if you are interested in trying it, send me a PM at Erin and I'll send you back the web address for trying this out.
Google type adds will appear on the pages as we get this going, if you have your own google adsense account, some of the ads will be yours and some mine.
- Erin
Adds to Author Home Page Software
I've added configurable themes and sidebars to the home page software. So far only a few are trying things out. PM me if you're interested. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
fractured TG tales?
Not fractured, expanded
Kristina, I think what Erin is offering is a place where we can put things that aren't appropriate for BC. You know, things like those darling baby pictures when you were 6 months, maybe a poem you found inspirational, that sort of thing. It would give the people a place to talk about themselves and their interests in more detail than a blog posting.
Does it pander to egos? Maybe. But then again, so does MySpace. I've no doubt there are very few out there interested in the minutea of my life, but some people enjoy that sort of thing. As my brother says, "Whatever floats your boat".
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm going to use mine as a place for my poetry and the sort of silly observations I come up with that I feel odd about putting on BC because they aren't necessarily cogent or relevant. Also for some story development stuff, like notes on works on progress where if anyone is interested, they can go there and look at it.
For others, well, people have asked for more control of how stuff appears and this seemed like a good way to allow some experimentation.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Coding needs work
Coding for the fictioneer page needs to be so if some one wants to save the web page, the saved copy should look reasonably similar to the viewed one. The way it is now, the saved copy looks like garbage. So if I saw something I liked, saving it is not an option. Layout is not retained, text is to small in save, I am afraid to see what would happen to pictures. Please try to find way to fix the code so saving a page is an option?
Page saving
I'll work on that. I'm finding that a lot of the themes I installed have some problems so that maybe a theme problem. Was it on your own page that you had this problem?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
To all pages
I attempted to save both Scotty's and Wanda's pages and had same result of the saved page unravel when I brought each up.The text becomes tiny and everything stretches out sideways - similar to unrolling a hose. This was done both with IE - 6, Firefox 2.0 on Page saves. Frame Saves were not allowed. I do not have a page. I was testing how saving blog or stories would work on new site.
Sephrena Miller (on work pc)
Print and Save
Printing and saving pages at Fictioneer.org seem to work fine. I've tried it with several browsers and really don't see any problem. Not sure what is happening when you try.
Sorry, but I can't really do anything if I can't reproduce the problem.
A printer friendly page that suppressed printing of the sidebars will be added later but it's not that big of a problem since the sidebars in Fictioneer are not extensive like they are here at BC.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Fictioneer Coding Problem Duplicated
The problem seems to stem from the use of Windows 2000 as the platform. The page did save fine in Windows XP now. Using IE explorer 6 and Firefox 2 once again as the browsers. Well my work PC (Windows 2000) is meant for testing Hard Drives and other equipment, not viewing the internet in pristine looks. But it is there.
Sephrena Miller
I've got a Win 2000 box here on the floor. When I get back from San Jose next week, I'll try it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Printing and Saving
I tried both printing and saving on my own page, Sephrena, and had none of the problems you report. The print version did have all of the sidebar stuff at the bottom of it but that was the only problem with it. The saved version looked exactly like the page looked when navigated to.
Frame saves are not allowed because there are no frames on the page.
Perhaps you have some configuration issues with your computer.
- Wanda
hmmm...well maybe..um..
Fictioneer Direstory?
Once this gets going, is there going to be some kind of directory so we can see who has pages up?
Karen J.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm keeping a directory at Fictioneer.org of everyone who has updated their pages at least once. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.