little bit stuck

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Well, i am working on my Amanda Waller story, and a little bit stuck. What i need is a way to get from Amanda coming back home for the first time after her transformation, to fighting a local gang, who will be led by a name that might be familier to comic book readers, - Tombstone. Wish me luck.



What did she transform into? The whole point of Amanda Waller is that she isn't superpowered but is powerful because of her position. If a local gang were bothering her, she'd make a few phone calls and they'd no longer be a problem.

That could be why you're stuck. She's the wrong character for the scenario you want to make.

Opposed forces!

Well, given the strong willed person Amanda is, maybe she was fighting the gang all along, using more conventional methods? That way, you establish some drama with the gang, maybe even a confrontation with Tombstone early on, where he tries (and fails) to intimidate her?

This, then, becomes something central in her life, a problem that must be dealt with. And once she gets the power to do just that, well...

Look out!

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.