Spying, paranoia and things in our stories.

In writing, sometimes I get so involved in the plot that I fear I am going round the bend sometimes. Part of that is due to the fact that lately while doing research for my stories, I have found out things that are even more astonishing than what I have written!

A case in point is the research I have been doing on Afghanistan for a story. I had imagined Mountainous country with deep wooded ravines, and running water as fairly common. It was a major plot device. What I am finding in actuality is that large parts of the country could be from Mars. A very large part of it has absolutely nothing growing on it. It looks like the bottom of death valley. The wars didn't destroy it, there never was anything there.

So, being very determined I simply soldiered on trying to write a romantic war story that would fit in the deserts of Mars. To add to the credibility of the plot, I read up on the Russian Invasion in '78, and previous wars and conflicts in the area. It is amazing. War and killing is the normal state for this country and it has been that way for most of recorded history! Yallah!

So, imagine my surprise when in the last several days, the west suddenly found vast Natural Resources there! Well boys and girls, we have been lied to; the truth kept from us but for what reason, I do not know. I think the Russians knew about it and that is why they invaded. I also think that Bush knew of it and that is why we are now there. I don't think that Opium or the Taliban was ever the big issue. Now the west is there protecting Chinese miners who are developing the mines. Maybe it is too much to try to make my fiction stories seem factual, since the truth is even more bizarre! It may be even more disjointed than I think too!

It is amazing to me that we think that there is so much danger of terrorism and infiltration in Police organizations in the US. I am also amazed that there are not a lot more terrorist activities here in the US? However, according to a retired man I met in 2004, who said he was an Army Bomb removal expert, bombings and attempts have have been going on for years here in the US, but are kept really quiet. According to him, there are enough of our own nut cases running around for that. Hmmm The actual bomb making is ridiculously easy.

So, then, reaching back into my own dim past to the very early 50's, we lived on a farm in rural Oregon. It was so remote that it took us half a day to get to a town of 5000. I was a tiny, effeiminate tyke who was not allowed to help with the big boys as they cleared land and blew stumps up. In those days, it was simple to buy stumping powder, and you could buy a rifle at the local grocery. Once in a while, the men would run short of dynamite, and use fertilizer, and oil along with it in an extremely simple process. I still remember our Water Spaniel chasing the blown up roots, and one day the men used too much of the stuff and dropped a huge root right through the barn roof. LOL It was a vastly different and much more innocent world then. I still remember the huge, and I do mean huge bonfires made from the cleared Hazelnut brush that would burn for days. In those days rather than the Police and Fire department coming, we'd get a call.

"Hey Mr Snively, how ya doin".

"We're doin fine; been workin in the woods; doin a lot of clearin and stumpin".

"Yeah, well this is Chief Jones" and we was wonderin if that was you out by Ladd Hill".

"Yep, it is, the brush finally got dry enough and we wanted ta get it burnt before winter".

"Yeah, well I can see the glow real clear over here in Tualatin".

"Is that so, why it must be 10 or 12 miles"!

"Yup, I think it is about that. Cain't see the actual flames but it is sure lightin up the sky".

"Well, its a way out in the upper field, nothin else is gonna burn we hope", He said with a laugh.

"Yeah, OK, just thought I'd check in on ya to see if everything was OK".

"Yep, we are, thanks for callin".

So, in light of my own past, I wonder why we have not suffered at the hands of the terrorists more? Perhaps their real agenda is to simply menace us with threats; fooling us into believing that they are very determined. Maybe it is our own government who wants us to believe there is a threat?

I'm having trouble sorting my own stories out from and even more sinister reality.

Much Peace


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