Americans living in the UK?

If there is a yank living in the UK, would you please contact me? I am going to live in Cleveland until May, and am entertaining the idea of just living temporarily in a few different places as long as my health holds out. Yesterday, the Doc said that I could go 20 or 30 years, and if that is the case, I will wear my chair out long before then if I keep sitting in it. There is not a single member of my family who would want to know about me.

I say I would like to talk to a yank simply because they would have lived in the US and could make a comparison of the costs. My own needs are really modest. I do not require a butler or anything. LOL I am thinking that I would carry a bed roll and air mattress, a few clothes, and keep to Hostels or sleeping rooms.

There would not be any fancy tour buses for me.

I doubt that I would do more than do a quick pass through in London; too expensive, but I thought that a bit of Urban Wandering could be OK.

I promise not to bother a single person there, but I would like to have some feel for living expenses. My English visitor last year said that the UK was quite expensive.

Much Peace

Khadijah Gwen

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