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It came and went, no big deal - like most birthdays after thirty. I've spent somewhere between one and two thousand hours writing it, over a period of about two years and ten months. Now I have to decide what I want to do with it.
There are loads of loose ends to tie up, which is just like a real person who dies, or like we all have everyday, so there are always plenty of plot lines to follow or I could end it where it is - if the latter, as it's written in the first person, there would be no more, the narrator is no more. I know I tried that before and popular demand resurrected her.
What is going on? Is Cathy victim of a hit or a simple accident which she may or may not have caused. Or is it more sinister, perhaps a contract hit?
Has Simon been kidnapped or is he doing the dirty and running off with a girlfriend, who has a particularly unpleasant side. If he's been kidnapped, by whom and why? And is the UN business over - especially as they claim in today's press that the threat to bio-diversity is greater than global warming. Could there be a better envoy for the planet than the pretty ecologist/film maker?
What will happen to the children? Will Trish complete her transtion when she's in her late teens? Will Julie have found happiness in a relationship, especially after her transition is complete, and will either of them be able to develop the healing with which Cathy is endowed?
Will Meems ever manage to speak pwopwee? What will Livvie make of her life? Poor old Puddin', if she does grow up inspite of Stella's neuroses, what will she be like?
Will Tom retire to grow vegetables and write his memoirs or snap back into the university to actively head the survey? If Cathy is dead, what would he do, life having slapped him twice with the same blow - would he survive it?
The boys were just coming to believe they had found a safe place to be, where they were loved and cared for, even if part of them couldn't believe their luck. What will become of them? Are they clever enought to go to uni? If Cathy is no more - what would they do? Run wild or become overcome by depression?
Finally, Stella, where does she go? She has a baby but that doesn't stop her doing dumb things occasionally, and is she up to the responsibiity of raising it by herself? Will she go barmy and end it all or triumph over her illness, raise all the others and keep things together for the whole family, helped by Tom and Henry?
You can see the choices I have to make, do I carry on and eventually get to the wedding blessing, or if Maureen is around, welded bliss? Or end it here and do something else - I have other serials to finish and only a certain amount of time. Mind you trying to post Snafu, somewhere else is very frustrating.
I shall have a think about how much more of my time I want to invest in Bike, if any and let you all know. (Oh no - another cliffhanger!)
Thanks to all those who've been involved with the technical side, including Erin and her team for allowing me to post it, Holly, Ben and PS for the archive, Gabi and Puddin' for occasional advice and all my readers who seem to have enjoyed it despite my efforts to stir them up.
I hope
I hope you can continue Bike for a bit, but I can understand you feeling a bit tired of cranking it out. It is your creation, your choice for it's future. Whatever, Thanks for the 1,000 episodes of pleasant diversion.
Gad woman, it's your poetic license!
Things like this just don't get suspended for writing while intoxicated. I support you either way. I had rather hoped for the blessing to happen. Cathy has admirably grown into her new life; though for a long time I thought her to be a right bitch.
I think that much of the drama in her family is so real in so many families.
Now that I think about it, this series has been a good half dozen different stories.
However, if you wish, I could see you winding this down in a few chapters. I could see you wanting to get on to something else.
Still, I could see the girls healing her including installing the real inner stuff and her getting preggers! :)
What is that welsh saying? Caldenafu, or something?
Much Peace
Khadijah Gwen
I respect and support your choice...
... But I would love for you to continue the saga, if it is in your heart and soul to do so.
I have really enjoyed Bike, and will sincerely miss it when it is gone, but you have to do what is right for you.
First of all, do what makes
First of all, do what makes you happy. Having said that, I really hope continuing the story (at least to the point of a happy ending, if not more) makes you happy! ;) Either way, it's been a wild and crazy ride and I thank you for it. I'm really impressed with how you've kept it going day in and day out for all this time.
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Selfish, I know
and it probably does not fit in with the Blue Light direction so far but the one thing I hope for was to somehow at the end, Cathy somehow gets pregnant, and has a kid. Maybe it would help bring peace to Cathy's still nagging doubts of her womanhood. It's a sterotype, sure, but for now only women can safely be pregnant. It will help bring closure to the story and I always felt a pregnancy arc would be a lot of fun but ...
It is your creation and your hard sweat that has made it all possible and I am most grateful.
It's your shout.
I've enjoyed your soap opera hugely and delighted in the way you've allowed your imagination to run riot over our expectations. However, I should warn you that even killing off your first person heroine is no guarantee that you'll be allowed to to fade quietly into the background noise of TS story production. Remember the Reichenbach Falls where Holmes fell to his death grappling with the evil Dr Moriarty but his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was forced by popular demand to write 'The Return of Sherlock Holmes'. But I'm sure you are made of sterner stuff.
You're right that only in fiction do loose ends all become neatly tied off. The real life you're simulating isn't like that, so there's no need to call out cliff rescue teams to haul hanging plots back to safety. They can hang there for eternity if you so wish. You are the mistress of your characters' destiny and your readers' pleasure.
I think you love mischief. I couldn't help but laugh at your whimsy when I read episode 1000. It's all great stuff and if you decide to put Bike back in the shed I'll be sorry. I won't be alone.
Thanks for it all. I hope it was/is as much fun for you as it has been for us. Here's to episode 1001 ... and beyond?
I'll do it for bit longer
For those who thought it was never in doubt--you'd be wrong. The only reason you have an episode tonight is because I was petitioned by a young lady who threatened all sorts of things if I didn't continue it.
Who am I to argue?
Doesn't Bonzi have a vote?
Please keep it going. It highlights my afternoons here in mid America. Just don't use any showers or dreams to wrap it all up ala Dallas. Their writers are far beneath you and Bonzi. If Bonzi wants to consult, I have a border collie/Australian sheepdog who knows the names of all of his fifteen plus toys (what do you mean, spoiled)
What To Do?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had a similar problem. When a character becomes as popular as Cathy is, she becomes real in our hearts. Killing her causes too much hurt in too many people. I think Cathy needs to retire to Scotland and keep bees (her children, which includes Simon and Tom). Maybe once in a while she will don her Super Girl suit and perform and errand of mercy or two.
Since she and her daughters can on certain instances wield their magic healing powers, maybe there should be one final group healing before the powers are lost. Family first, her dormeece second, the other meeces third. Her family is too important to be neglected.
Cathy knows what is right. She needs to attain self actualization.
P.S. I can't believe I wrote "gratification".
Thank you for sharing....
so many hours of your wonderful story telling.
As I've said so many times before, only keep writing this saga, if you derive pleasure from it. If it's gone stale and/or boring for you, end it. If you gotten to the point where you've explored all you want to with Cathy and company, end it. Yes, many (okay most) of your fans (myself included) will miss the story, but I like to think that most others would agree that you've shared so much with us and we'd prefer you to be happy. I'm sure many of your other stories have languished, due to the time you've spent on this. Including some ideas you've had, that we've not seen any hint of.
Thank you,
The fact you've spent 1,001 nights so far writing Bike suggests that you enjoy it almost as much as us. There's certainly plenty of plot to keep the story going for another few hundred episodes at least.
However, you only have a limited amount of time at the computer, and would like to work on other stories you've started (and possibly a completely new story).
So how about this: if you're not completely fed up of the characters, continue posting Bike, then if inspiration hits with regards to other stories, temporarily reduce your Bike posting frequency to allow you to work on both projects. Just because it's usually posted every day (and is currently subtitled "The Daily Dormouse"), it doesn't mean you have to keep that schedule forever. I don't think there'd be too much wailing or gnashing of teeth if for a while Bike reduced to alternate days or twice a week to allow you time to work on other stuff, then ramped up to daily again if/when inspiration to write other stuff ended.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
As plenty of others have already stated it is up to you and Bonzi how long you continue with your story. The routine of spending an hour or two every night must be taking a toll on your other pursuits and passions.
I try not to be too selfish, but perhaps you could go out on a high at the wedding affirmation. With life going on for all, especially Tom, to lose two daughters would indeed be too much.
I have loved your tale from day one. The stories I love I tend to keep a hard copy, not thinking it would last this long. So today I have a 22 inch doorstop. Ah well
Love to all
Anne in Southsea. :-)
Thanks Angharad...
...for the “mention in dispatches.â€
Thanks too, for all you contribute here. I think it’s a telling statistic that the number of stories on BCTS has ticked past 10,000 and you’re responsible for about 10% of them.
Like others, I’m hoping that we’re going to continue to be privileged with our daily fix of Bike.
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