Just a few words about the story Hope and I are working on for all you inquiring minds out there. First, I looked and unlike the Bikini Beach stories found nothing about MAU being closed. If I missed something there I profusely apologize to both Elrod and everyone else.
We are sticking with the canon, in that the machines work for about four days before shutting down. The grad students have just been having way too much fun experimenting in a few days time, which Hope and I will address in the next few chapters as the story unfolds.
No, they don't have an unlocked machine. Just one that has part of one more day to work in it's 'Demo' mode. And it will shut down leaving more than our intrepid(?) heroes stuck in different bodies. I can promise you that chaos will ensue when that happens.
Also, the changes you readers have been waiting for will happen in the next chapter.
Also, thanks to those of you who have commented thus far.
And no, I haven't left Deirdre hanging, just needed a short break from working out what her next antics would be.
not one for Universes
...as a rule. I was sorta curious what MAU actually stood for so hey, I Googled. Seems it's Morphic Adaptation Unit and apparently Elrod 'owns' it though if you follow the link (at Crystals) to the site it don't exist, so that might be moot. Maybe use a diff acronym if challenged.
I guess the whole 'canon' idea bugs me and reading comments about what so and so in such and such cottage at Whately did or whatever really leaves me cold (especially perhaps as I have no idea what they's on about most of the time). No offence to those that love all that. I guess I prefer to just roll with a story and see where it might go. Individually they can be great. No disrespect to you two ladies but I may not read this one. I'm sure plenty will.
respectfully bemused
My field of expertise
I've written 6 MAU stories. The best one for explaining how the machines work(which doesn't run on for 40,000 words or more too) is this story or this story of mine.
The machines run for 3 days only. Their demonstration models
Any changes at the end of 3 days are permanent. A 2nd machine won't do
A day after the boxes stop they re-pack.
The language on the machine, user agreement and expiration notice are Fwirthi.
MAU creator Elrod gave me permission to build a back story in regards to an agency that investigates the machines. Two agents called D and C(Elrod named these guys.) are always showing up in odd places. Las Vegas, Florida, South Korea, Norway, New Guinea and more.
The rules for MAU stories used to be up at Elrod's website but he discontinued it about a year ago.
Private message me and I can answer lots of questions.
"Writing is like walking in a deserted street. Out of the dust in the street you make a mud pie."- John le Carre
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Elrod and MAU
Hi Danielle,
After my Last story in this 'universe' someone sent me the URL to a place where the rules were still posted - BY Elrod himself. I don't remember everything but one thing stood out to me, because I had also always seen the three day limit in other stories. Elrod had posted that the unit was active for 4 days. It won't make a huge difference to our story but the extra day does suit 'Dream Lover' a bit better.
Thank you for your interest and information, I appreciate any help I can get.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.